Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Mark Shepard

Standing alone in a crowded room

  • Have you ever loved someone that just downright dont love you or never match the same love that you give out? For years you love and love in all things just as God tells you to do and still no change. When you try to talk about it there starts an augement all because you ask to be loved, respected, appreciated and conceiterd. With a bold statement you're being told to take them as they are and  if they never love or showed love dont ext it and then you ask why and to no avail to an answer that works you find your self cased to the side and hated by that person and others.

    This Husbands story is like so many of us in different parts of life and we ask our self WHY, HOW,WHO, AND WHAT DO I DO!!! Well God is the way stay in the Word and the Word will give you joy. Now you might ask "well what do i do until God Moves or until He's done "

    The answer is  PRAY