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High Priestess Crystal Forestmoon

Wiccan Basics 101

  • Just some easy basic information about the Wicca Religion/Path I follow. As I do teach others, I am always posting information and lessons on my face book page. Hope this helps others to understand the Wiccan ways better ;)                    


    What is a “Witch” and “Wicca?”

    Witch = the root of the word is derived from Wicca or Wicce, the religious practice of worshipping both a Goddess and a God as Equal but opposite entities revered as the Balance essence of Divinity.

    Wicca/Wicce = Some claim that Wicca/Wicce comes from the word “Wise,” others claim that its origin lies in the root of the idea; “to shape or to bend.”
        ** Interesting because it is said the goal of magic is to bend or shape things to reflect our will**

    Certainly, Wisdom would be a necessity for an individual interested in practicing magic to shape a given circumstance or condition.

                                                A Good Witch Knows

    - Any good Witch knows that the Best ingredients can be found in your kitchen or your own back yard. Many plants now thought of as weeds have great healing powers and Magickal properties Most of the herbs and essential oils have become quite commonplace.

    1.) What goes around comes around, what ever you send out Will at some point come back on you. This is all right if you are intending only good, such as healing or helping, BUT, if your intent on doing someone Harm, Be Warned. You could end up in worse trouble (and Honestly you will) than the intended recipient of the Spell you sent out. No responsible Witch or Spellcaster will EVEN seek to Harm another.

    2.) Do not use inappropriate Spells Similarly, it is also unethical to try to influence someone against their will, such as forcing someone to love you they can’t stand the sight of you. For a start, this is the type of Spell that most often fails. But, if it does succeed, you may find yourself in a situation that is uncomfortable and unworkable. In such a scenario, you would do better to send the person kind and unconditional loving thoughts to improve their life. However, if you want to pave a path to an unknown soul mate, magic can work very well. Just remember; If something feels like it’s the wrong thing to do, it probably is.

    3.) What you need is not always what you want. One other rule, the effects of which have often been commented on by only magical practitioners, is that you will receive what you need rather than what you merely want. Magic encourages self-sufficiency and compassion, but it does Not favor greed, particularly if its at the expense of another.

    Wiccan Rede (Short Version)

    Bide by the Wiccan Law ye must, in Perfect Love, in perfect Trust. Eight words the Wiccan Rede Fulfill
        “An ye Harm none, do as ye will. An’ ever mind the Rule of three; What ye sends out comes back to thee. Follow this with mind and heart, an’ Merry ye meet, an’ Merry ye Part.”

    To Be A Witch;

    To be a Witch is to Love and Be Loved, To be a Witch is to Harm none.
    To be a Witch is to know the ways of the Old, To be a Witch is to see beyond the barriers.
    To be a Witch is to follow the Moon, To be a Witch is to be one with the Gods.
    To be a Witch is to study and learn, To be a Witch is to be the Teacher and the Student.
    To be a Witch is to acknowledge the Truth, To be a Witch is to live with the Earth not just in it.
    To be a Witch is to know, To Dare, To will, To keep silent.
    To be a Witch is to be Truly Free!
    -Solitary Witch-

    13 Goals of a Witch;

    1.) Know yourself
    2.) Know your craft (Wicca)
    3.) Learn
    4.) Apply knowledge with Wisdom
    5.) Achieve Balance (in your life and in Wicca)
    6.) Keep your words in good order
    7.) Keep your thoughts in good order
    8.) Celebrate life
    9.) Attune with the cycles of the Earth
    10.) Breathe and eat correctly
    11.) Exercise the body
    12.) Meditate
    13.) Honor the Goddess and God

    The Eight Ritual (Holiday) Occasions;
    AKA; The Wheel of the Year {In Proper Oder}

    Samhain - pronounced either (sew-in) or -(sam-han) *High Holiday*
    **October 31st - also known as; Old Hallow's Eve

    Mabon - pronounced (Ma-bon)
    **September 21st or 22nd - also known as; Fall Equinox

    Lughnassadh -Pronounced (Lew-nassa) *High Holiday*
    **August 1st - also known as; Lammas, Feast of Bread

    Litha - pronounced (Lith-a)
    **June 21st or 22nd - also known as; Summer Solstice

    Beltane - pronounced (bel-tane) *High Holiday*
    **April 30th - also known as; May Eve

    Ostara - pronounced (o-stair-a)
    **March 21st or 22nd - also known as; Spring Equinox

    Imbolc - pronounced (im-Bolk) *High Holiday*
    **February 2nd - also known as; Brigid or Candlemass

    Yule - pronounced (yule)
    **December 21st or 22nd - also known as; Winter Solstice