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High Priestess Crystal Forestmoon

Do "Witches" Pray?

  • I have been told by some, "Witches don't pray," and asked by others; "Do Witches pray?"

    Yes, Witches do pray. Does this surprise you? If so I ask why does it? Do you pray? Why wouldn't Witches pray than? We have not just one God or Goddess, we have many depending on the Patheon we follow in Wicca/Paganism. During our Holiday Rituals, Our Moon Rites, and even in some of our Spells, we have prayers in them to the Mother Goddess and our Father God.

    We have prayers for many different things as well. Like for our Children, for a safe and Peaceful world, for a person/family member/pet who has passed on to the Happy Hunting Grounds or Summerland, for those who marry, to help the hurt/injured/or sick, and to give daily thanks for our Blessings. Witches are honestly not that different from many other people in other religions, though we do have some differences, to be honest there are more similarities than one would think.

    Witches have always had a "Bad Stigma" bestowed upon us, because people who say them don't have a mind or heart open enough to take the time to see or understand what it is we Witches do, say, and practice. Now keep in mind here when I say that; I wasn't always a full Wiccan/Pagan follower. I was baptised Catholic as a baby, raised Catholic til age 5, than raised and Confirmed Methodist until the 6th grade. In between age 10-13 I went around (as my mother had instructed her children to do) and actually went to Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist churches, as well as looked into and studied Buddhist, and Jehovah Witnesses (my last x-husband was a Witness)....and every single time I did...I was always and forever have been pulled and drawn back to Wicca/Paganism. At first, when I told my mom I was a Witch at age 17, she didn't understand it, and didn't approve. Yet she took the time to listen to me, and learn what it really is to be a Witch....from that day forward she has bought me books, herbs, incense, and other things to go with my Religion. She has also explained it to her Sisters (my Catholic Aunts), her Minister Best Friend, and many others. All of whom have accepted my beliefs, as I step up and accept theirs.

    Necessity of Prayer;

    Since the dawn of all creation, there has been the need to pray to our creators. Whether for help in some way, or for thanks...prayer has always been there in one form or another. It helps to build a lasting and strong connection with the Divine, and Universe.

       When some one asks you (and they will); “Where are the God and Goddess?” what do you reply? Many unenlightened people will say that God lives in heaven or give other answers. If you have been practicing sincere daily prayer and mediation, you will know the truth, because you will understand them on a deeper level. You'll understand the the Divine did not merely Create everything – he Divine IS everything! The God and Goddess are alive in every cell, every atom of all creation. They exist within and without every living thing in the material and non-material worlds. They permeate all planes/realms of existence a well. It is why as Pagans/Wiccans we have the connection we do to all living things...animals, plants, planets, stars, moon, sun, people, and so forth.

      All you need to do to pray to the God and Goddess is to honestly acknowledge their presence in your life path and in time you will come to actually feel them. You may not be able to hear the God and Goddess speak to you when you first begin your daily prayers and meditations. Usually they will wait, to allow one to prove one's sincerity. Humble yourself and diligently stick to your practice, so you won't be surprised when they DO speak to you! Although we can't force our eternal parents to answer our every thought, just knowing they are there listening is a great comfort in itself.

       Some people choose to speak to the God and Goddess on a separate level, and at different times...others choose to do so together...they are your eternal parents, and there is no hard/fast/right/wrong way about the way you pray to them or speak to them. There re many other ways to pray. Don't get caught up in the “typical I want” type of prayers. Understand that the God and Goddess know exactly what you want and need, they always have and they always will. It is ok to ask for certain “necessities,” but don't sound like a broken record! Simply sate you petition and know that the God and Goddess will deal with it in THEIR own time. What is it I always say? “All in due time, and everything for a reason.” What is it I also say when I am asked from people “What do you see in the future/or from this photo?” I will state what the Divine allows me to see, and when the Divine tells me “No, not ready yet.” I will hold the information given to me until you are ready to honestly receive and accept that information. Again it is on THEIR time...not ours, or yours. It also may NOT be the answer you wish to hear, want, or accept....yet it is what will be and it has a greater purpose. {I have a few “students” who are going through this regularly and do not seem to understand this concept of how the Divine work.}

       When things seem the “darkest” in your life path, and you are struggling to make sense of things going one....it I easy to pray and ask the Divine for things you want in order to change what you are going through. Again things always happen for a reason based upon the lessons you have yet to learn from you past life Soul memories. What you go through good, bad, light, or dark...always has a purpose and a reason. And in those moments of darkness and depression...of loss and fighting to get through what ever it is you are facing...it is also very easy to lose your belief, your faith, your love and trust in the Divine...especially when it seems things are not going the way you want them to go. There are the times when you need your prayer the most, and not making demands in them, or “bargaining” in them either. I know many who state “If you do this...I'll do this...” That is not how it works....never has been. You to the Divine, are no longer the pupil at this point but the spoiled child who wants their way with out learning what is needed to continue on your life path. Those bargaining prayers, and those I want ones...can and do go unanswered more often than you realize, and for good reason. IF you were meant to have something...the Divine will and would have provide(d) that to you. Always remember to thank the God and Goddess for what you have now, and what they will bless you with in the future.

      This is another reason why one needs to have a mirror book/journal of some type. To write down the answers you are given, even though it wasn't to what you prayed to at that moment...it is very well an answer to something you prayed for/to in the past (even a past life) or one you will in the near future. Keeping a record makes it easier to look back on the answers you have received, and understand where/what/how the Divine and Universe are giving you not just the answers...but the Why's behind when you got them. I for one have learned how/why/what/when behind my own and have for many year...even so there are still things I write down in my mirror/dream journal...I strongly encourage everyone to do so.

      I do offer to Pray for anyone I know (and don't know) on a regular basis...I always have. That's normally when I get the whole; "Do Witches pray?" question. I sit here and smile as I write this, because I do honestly understand why people do not think Witches do/could/ or would Pray. But the fact is, we do and those of us seriously dedicated to out faith (not ones who follow Wicca cause it's "cool") do so on a daily basis. So, I shall leave with this;

    "Lord of the Sun, Mother of the Earth, I come to you...your child, and ask that you bestow on those Who read this, those I have met, and those I know with your Light, your Love, and your Blessings. So Mote it Be!"


  • Althaea Sebastiani
    Althaea Sebastiani Hmm. Your statement of "those seriously dedicated to our faith do so on a daily basis" troubles me. I am a Witch, I am Pagan, however I am *not* Wiccan, and while I most certainly am "seriously dedicated" to my Craft and dedicated to a particular Deity, I...  more
    November 11, 2013 - 1 likes this
  • Althaea Sebastiani
    Althaea Sebastiani In the interest of presenting as factual a representation of Witchcraft religions and practices as possible, especially in a forum where many have little knowledge of either, I felt obligated to point out this distinction. I hope this intent comes through...  more
    November 11, 2013 - 3 like this
  • High Priestess  Crystal Forestmoon
    High Priestess Crystal Forestmoon Lady Althaea - I do thank thee for pointing that out. And, yes I did mean the Neopagans/NeoWiccans as well as those young Teenagers who think it's "Cool" to be a Witch simply due to a movie or t.v. show, but did not say that due to not wanting to offend a...  more
    November 12, 2013
  • High Priestess  Crystal Forestmoon
    High Priestess Crystal Forestmoon Rev. Irving; Thank you but what you stated goes without saying, as many people do pray with thought or without speaking words aloud...as do Witches. It's one of the simplest and basic instinct to do so. Thank you for the comment though, and please address...  more
    November 12, 2013 - 1 likes this