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High Priestess Crystal Forestmoon

Altar in pain view

  •  The Altar Hidden in Plain Sight

    When you are a teenager or in college living with intolerant people it can be hard, I know first hand. After my  mother converted with my step dad I had to learn how to hide my witch stuff. I was keeping it in a box until I  read this idea in a great book (Teen Witch by Silver Ravenwolf) by an amazing author. The altar hidden in plain site. You could have representative objects for the elements. It is ingenious. From then on until I moved   I had representations. Feathers in the East, kaleidoscope in the South, A water bottle filled with pure water in the west, an egg filled with fake flowers I had been given the year before for Easter (I also added rocks into it), and in the center was this musical merry-go-round with a maypole as the base. I kept it all on my bookshelf and because it just looked like a random collection of items. Only I knew what it really was. Here is a list of things you could use with a few pictures of one I created as an example and if you have more ideas, definitely comment.


    Dream catcher with feathers on it
    A drawing of anything air related.


    Any source of light
    Hand warmers (Those things you rub together)
    A drawing of anything fire related


    A water bottle
    Picture of the sea
    A drawing of anything water related


    Garden gnome
    Fake or real flower display
    a canister filled with rocks (tell them you are starting a collection)
    A drawing of anything Earth related.

    Representing The Goddess and God

    A maypole with a merry-go-round on it
    A statue of a woman and a man
    A statue of a woman
    Barbie and ken dolls
    A drawing of the Goddess and God

    You can pretty much use anything. I love it also because it brings a personal touch to the altar. When I say drawing I really mean any artwork. I love to paint. You can keep these anywhere. If you set it up right and use a lamp, it would make a neat bedside table. Its all about creativity. Just remember, dedication has its rewards in the end.

  • Brother John Cartwright
    Brother John Cartwright What a wonderful set of ideas this represents. I too, have a garden gnome on my balcony. It is sitting in plain sight of anyone who chooses to see it. Vivian, my wife, has a set of statues representing God and Goddess on a room divider in our entry way to...  more
    December 30, 2013
  • Brother John Cartwright
    Brother John Cartwright continuing:
    (actually years) ago from an event (the arrival of the Concorde') at Dayton Municipal airport.
    I never thought of putting these together deliberately to represent the four directions. I think it would make a wonderful display of faith, withou...  more
    December 30, 2013 - 1 likes this