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High Priestess Crystal Forestmoon

Rainy-Day Magick

  •         Rainy Day Magick, by Melanie Marquis

         Like plants of the Earth, through the rain, we thrive. A rainy day presents a great opportunity to connect with nature and work fast acting, life-enhancing magic. Rain is both a part of nature’s cycle and a direct reflection thereof; heated by the Sun, liquid water on the Earth’s surface turns to vapor and rises up to the sky, where it transforms into a liquid once more before returning to the Earth to repeat the process. In a single raindrop are held the Energies of death and rebirth, manifestation and dissipation, destructive and creation. Rain is the essence of water, the power of the sky, the sacrifice and sustenance of the Earth. Through practicing rainy-day magic, we improve our ability to create positive changes in our lives that are harmonious with the balance and cycle of the natural world. Our understanding of nature increases, and we gain new magical skills to expand our repertoire. The next time raindrops fall on your head, don’t be glum - open an umbrella and your magical mind, and take it as a chance to try something new! Here are some ideas to get you started.

    Rain Gods & Goddesses;

      Since Ancient times, many deities have been called on to bring rain, calm storms, and enhance the fertility and fruitfulness of the Earth. In Rome, Jupiter (aka Jove), was King of the Gods and King of the rains; One of his names was Jupiter Pluvius “bringer of rain.” In Greece, his equivalent was Zeus, God of thunder, rain, and lightening. In southern Africa, the Zulu people honored Mbaba Mwana Waresa, Goddess of rain and rainbows. Tlaloc, the rain God of the Atecs, was the consort of the Goddess Chalchiuhtlicue, who ruled over all the Earth’s waters. In Maori legend, Ua was a owerful rain God who had several names highlighting his various aspects - Ua-Roa meaning :long rain,” Uanui meaning “great rain,” and Ua Nganga meaning  “rainstorm.” In Aboriginal mythology, Bunbulama was the Goddess of rain.

      If you like to work with rain Gods and Goddesses, you might place a cup of water on your altar and draw raindrops, lightening bolts, or other appropriate symbols on your body or around your ritual space. Call the deity by name, If you sense a Divine presence, introduce yourself respectfully, then listen quietly with an open heart and mind for guidance and insight. Once you’re on friendly terms, you can ask the deity or deities for help in your magical workings for rain, fertility, creativity, purification, and other water-themed spell work. Thank the rain deities with living plants or offerings of pure, fresh water.

    Raindrop Meditations;

      Listening to the rain fall can be very relaxing and mystical experience; utilize the next rainy day as a catalyst for deep meditation that will benefit you magically. Try this; Sit indoors quietly  and comfortably, letting the sounds of the rain hitting the roof fill your mind and spirit. Envision yourself, your soul, as the Earth, and sense the rain falling into you, strengthening and nourishing the body of the world that is reflected in your Earthly form. Let the sound of the rain soothe you and enjoy a feeling of closeness and unity with nature and its gifts.

    Out door;
      For an outdoor rainy-day meditation, look around until you find a body of water or a large puddle. Watch the raindrops hit the surface of the water, and notice the concentric, outward flowing ripples created by the impact. Think about how our every action, our every feeling and every thought, has its effects on the energies surrounding us. Find your center, your core being, and envision how you would like the Love and Joy within you to impact the world around you, just as a single drop of rain casts circles of energy into the surrounding water.

    Cleansing Rain Charms;

      Next time the forecast calls for rain, try this simple charm to rid yourself of worries or other misfortunes. Soon after it starts to sprinkle, take a piece of chalk outside and write on concrete or a large rock a word or sentence expressing what you wish to let go of. Think about your desire for liberation from your woes. As the rain washes away the chalk, so too will your grievances be washed away. Another way to experience the cleansing benefits of rain is to simply be in it; take a walk or stand outside and let the drops hit your body and wash away stale energies. You’ll feel infused with the refreshing powers of Earth, Water, and Sky.

    Rain Positions;

      Rain is an excellent base for many potions. As rain may contain pollutants, it’s best to keep these blends for external use only. Rain potions can be dabbed on the body, used to anoint or wash magical tools, sprinkled in rituals spaces, homes, and other locations - the possibilities are as boundless as your imagination!

    Bottle rain Positions;
      Bottle rain in Earthen jug for a ready-made potion is perfect for boosting creativity. For a potion to enhance feelings of Love, set out a clear glass container during a gentle rain and collect the drops. Add a piece of Rose Quartz or a few Rose Petals (fresh or dried) to magnify the potion’s power.

       Save rain from a thunderstorm for a powerful potion to bring about major changes or transformations. Collect in an opaque, preferably black container, and mark the jar or bottle with a lightening bolt.

       If you see rain falling while the sun is shining brightly, place a blue bottle outside and you’ll soon have a potion that is great for bringing happiness and soothing anxieties. This potion is also ideal for manifesting good luck. Anoint your wallet, the soles of your feet, and the front door of your home for maximum benefit.

       Save nighttime rain for a psychic-boosting power potion; for best results, seal it up in a silver container. When you are using a Divination tool such as Tarot, Runes, or a Scrying Mirror, place 13 drops of the potion around the area where you are doing the reading to increase your ability to receive and interpret psychic visions.

    Mud Magick;

    {I do this more often than one would think!}

       Get in touch with nature and connect with powerful Earth Energies by getting down and dirty with some rainy-day mud magic. If you have a need for some banishing magic, try this spell;

    -Wait for the rain to saturate the dirt, then scoop up the mud in a bowl, adding more rain or soil to suit
    you have a think, clay-like mixture that feels just right.
    - Shape the mud into a flattened disk about the size of your palm.
    - Use a toothpick or slender twig to mark the disk with a glyph symbolizing what you wish to banish.
    {If you wish to banish grief, you might draw a frowning face on the mud token. To banish a dangerous foe, mark the disk with the person’s initials.}
    - Now place the disk on the ground and let the rain pour upon it.
    - Call on the energies of the sky and the rain to help along the Spell, and watch as the rain erodes the mud disk, banishing the energies symbolized therein.

    Umbrella Spells;

    Umbrella make excellent tools for rainy-day magic. Associated with sky gods, rain can carry your wishes to the powers that be, and it tends to do so rather swiftly. Try this bit of attraction magic and get ready for quick, positive results.;

    -Draw a symbol of your wish on the outside, convex part of an umbrella.
    -Take a walk in the rain, twirling the umbrella clockwise as you envision what you want.
    {If more love is what you’re after, draw a heart on the umbrella and imagine your life fills with passion, caring, and romance as the rain spins off the twirling umbrella}
    - Likewise, if there is something you wish to diminish, simply draw an appropriate symbol on an umbrella and envision your magical goal as you spin the umbrella counterclockwise in the falling rain. 

    Let it Pour!

    From umbrella Spells to powerful potions, mystical meditations to rituals for transformation, rain presents many opportunities for personal and magical growth. Potent, swift, and practical, rain can be an ideal medium for Spell work, and through experimentation and imagination, the scope of your rain magic will expand by leaps and bounds. Let the falling rain soothe your soul, open your heart, and inspire your mind; a rainy day is a chance to tune in and listen as nature has her say.