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High Priestess Crystal Forestmoon

Diverse and United?

  • I sat in a Catholic Church today; June 29, 2014, as I have every Sunday for the past month and a half with a person I take care of at work, and the Reverend spoke of the Opossels Paul and Peter, along with the teachings of Diversity and Unity. This touched my heart and Soul, more than one would most likely believe would a “Witch/Pagan,” person. Why? These are things I was taught being raised by my single Mom, my Maternal Grandmother, and my Dad....not only what I Teach, Preach, and Practice on a daily basis. Yet, in my many years of experience of being judged by my Looks, Sex, Faith, Sexuality, Age, Race, and/or Build by people of all other Faiths, Races, Sexes, Ages, and Builds this Life cycle I am in now....I have often wondered if there Honestly are those who eat, breathe, practice, teach, and preach Diversity and Unity?


    Oh, I do hear some say, “I do not judge others, nor am I prejudice.” But than within minutes that same person is doing both to a perfect stranger on the street, or next to them, or close by.


    I simply shake my head, and politely tell the person, “Did you not just hear what you have said? Your own words just now were filled with judgment (or Prejudice) against that person. Who are you to judge (or be prejudice) that person? Do you have your own words, heart, soul, Spirit in good order so that you may not be judged yourself in return?”


    This often leads to quite a debate and discussion on the matter, one I do so enjoy having with people f all Sexes, Races, Religions, Ages, Body builds, and Sexual Orientations. Why? Ok, Why not? There is nothing wrong with a healthy debate, discussion, or having your own beliefs and values and sharing them with others. In doing this type of debate and discussion both parties actually learn a thing or two in the end....whether or not they will ever admit to doing so is another matter entirely.


    Now in every faith {I have studied enough of all of them over the course of 3 ½ years to be knowledgeable enough in my own eyes to be worthy of being a High Priestess, and Ordained Minister}, I learned there are a few common factors/practices/beliefs if you would one of the most important one comes back to this;


    Accepting the Diversity of all mankind & Animal kind, and standing united as one Under God/Goddess or Allah, Jehovah, or Buddha, etc.” {A term more familiar to many people now for this is; “Coexist.”}


    Now the Reverend today put it in a nice and simple senerio I thought was quite awesome...and now I pass this on to all of you;


    You enter a church nearly filled with parishioners. In one seat you see an Elderly person, on the other side a person of color, up toward the front you see a college student, across the way a person in a wheel chair, and another dressed all in black with rainbow colored hair. After you sit down next to one of these people, I do not want you to ask yourself why you chose the person you sat by. I want you to ask yourself what stopped you from sitting by anyone of the others? We all carry some prejudice and judgment within us. It's in how we may have been raised, or taught, or learned from others around us. But ask yourself this; did God {Goddess/Allah/Jehovah/Buddha, etc} show prejudice to the blind? To the Lepers? To Peter who denied him? To Judas who betrayed him? He did not, he loves everyone without prejudice and accepts Diversity.”


    Now, think about that for a moment here, and I mean really think about that. In Every Single Faith (whether you presieve it to be good or bad), in any Path you walk/follow we are taught to accept others beliefs, paths, faith, races, ages, sexes and appearances and to embrace the Diversity. I, like so many others, have been watching the “wars waged in the name of God” for several lifetimes (Life cycles) now, and I still am. Yes, there are so many people fighting against each other instead of doing what their Faith, Values, and/or Beliefs have been teaching them to do.....Accepting Diversity and being United as one under our Faith. And YES, there are those like myself out here and all over the world living, breathing, walking, teaching, and practicing the acceptance of Diversity and Unity. There are times when I think see, and feel that we are fewer in numbers than those who fight against these....but than I it in a Church {One of many I do attend with people I take care of}, a Youth Group gathering, a Coven meeting, or simply sitting and having that Debate with someone...and I realize we are growing in numbers. It may not seem as if we are...for there are so many who are so very quick to judge and/or have prejudice against other people for any reason....But believe me...we are slowly growing in numbers.


    So, I ask you now...the next time you look upon another person no matter, Race, Creed, Color, Sex, Age, Disabilities, or Sexual Orientations can and will you honestly do so without a SINGLE thought/word of Prejudice and Judgment? It may seem “odd” that a “Witch/Pagan” would be sitting here telling you...Honestly I can and I do all the time. Even after I get to know a person....there still isn't judgment or prejudice there...only Brutal Honesty on how that person truly is deep down by their own accord. I honestly do accept all people, I help all people, teach and Love all people.....do and can you honestly say the same thing? I Honestly “Hate” no one, as to me that is too strong of a word to be used and it's not in my nature to do so. Can you say the same thing? Is it because deep down somewhere you can't because some where deep down you do not love yourself first? I'll leave you with this phrase that I have also found as a common phrase in all Faiths;


    To love me is to Love all creation. To Love me is to Love all your brothers and sisters human and animal alike. But how can you Love me, in order to Love them, If you do not Love thyself firstly?”


    Many Blessing to all....Crystal Forestmoon {Kimber}

  • Michael D
    Michael D First off, thanks for taking the time to write that up and share with the community. :)
    I can honestly say I don't hate anyone either. But while I think I'm pretty good about not judging a "book by its cover" I will still judge people according to this p...  more
    June 30, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • High Priestess  Crystal Forestmoon
    High Priestess Crystal Forestmoon hanky ou Matta, and I agree with you on some level everyone is, well..i can honestly say not me though no sure why but glad to be that way, and ty for the comment. Jedi I also agree with you and the bible phrase you qoted, it' hard not to and on some leve...  more
    June 30, 2014
  • duane davison
    duane davison First off,this is well-written. I believe it's in human nature to be prejudice and judgmental to a degree. But one can learn to be open and accepting. We are not a perfect species of life, but should learn from our faults and improve whom we are as a peop...  more
    July 4, 2014 - 1 likes this