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Martin (Mah_Tyn) Davis

The End of the Search




    The apparent precursor to realization of non-dual reality is to grasp at the concept that any effort to "gain" enlightenment is in fact, an illusion of the mind. This in itself is a game in which the mind "chases" itself, but it can be effective in proving to the rational mind that it is unable to see outside of its own perceptive boundaries.


    To become fully aware of the Oneness of all things it is initially helpful to hold on loosely to a core belief (until it becomes a verifiable personal experience) that we cannot change our consciousness from the outside. Then it is eventually seen that liberation is released spontaneously when let go of self-imposed mental boundaries, that we have unwittingly conspired to maintain as a means of protection from the irrational fear of self-oblivion that our ego, as a protector of individual personality, has created.


    (NOTE: The problem with the words above is that they seem to communicate the impression that  "becoming" aware happens over time, as if it is a result of personal effort...but awareness is not attained

    - it is already the case. It is when effort falls away, which appears to happen over time, that awareness is immediately seen as having been always there.)




    People who have had drug-induced experiences of Oneness often refer to this event as an "expansion of consciousness" - but, actually what seems to occur in these cases is a reduction or breakdown of the ego-centered barrier, so that the mind is released to see beyond itself. Many contemporary seers and mystics, like Ram Dass and Alan Watts, who've experienced both  the drug-induced, and natural experience of Oneness, say that the former is a "glimpse" of the latter; the "real" experience of undivided wholeness is much richer and deeper.

    The beneficial and sustainable state of mind that results from this experience is to hold conscious awareness without judgement or  choice. The mind is transformed into a boundless ocean of aliveness that sees no separation between ideas and action.





    1. What does the experience of awakening feel like?

    Before the "experience" of awakening - there is an imagined hope of completeness, as if awakening is the ending of anxiety, sadness and fear. But awakening is not an experience that fulfills this hope. It is the end of that which needs hope. There is no longer a "me" that feels anxious - there is still fear - but it is no longer personal. It no longer has any place in the personality to hold onto and passes by as a momentary observed experience. There is still sadness - but it is not felt for myself - but is pure and unattached. Awakening is wonderful - but not personal. Awakening is actually not a personal experience; for the sense of self disappears and there is no-one appearing to exist to experience it!

    2. Do you still feel anger or get upset about things?


    Awakening does not end the activity of life that is expressing itself as us, so anger is still experienced - but as our conscious awareness loosens its hold on our sense of separation it begins to lose its effect; its control is diminished as we lose the need to justify ourselves, or assert our egos, which is often the underlying root of anger.


    It is still painful to have a toothache, and it still sucks to get sick! But in awareness there is just pain; just sickness. There is diminished attachment to it; it is no longer seen as a personal attack!!


    3. Does one get used to being aware?


    Awareness is extraordinary and at the same time perfectly natural. It is perpetually fresh and new. There is no sense of past or future - only a full on awareness of aliveness that is always happening now. There is no monotony in awareness because time is seen as merely an imagined measurement.


    4. Can awareness be lost?


    It can often seem that way - especially when there are moments of intense stress or pain that trigger the ego-mind to seek to protect itself. But, once awareness has seen beyond this process, the ego no longer has the power to maintain control like it did before the ending of the separate self occurred.

    It could also be said that many of those who claim that they are enlightened masters or gurus; those that "hang out a shingle," or set up shop, and claim that they can teach others how to achieve this state; sometimes for a hefty price - may be the best evidence that awareness can be lost! Because, to claim enlightenment as a clearly defined path of attainment is to reduce it to an ego-based mental exercise - which it really isn't.


    Please hear me clearly on this, I'm not condemning those that claim that they can teach this - I'm just illustrating that when someone appears out of awareness and says that they can get you to it - they have "left" oneness and returned to a state of "two-ness",  where awareness is seen as being over there - and they are over here!!!


    Awareness is wholeness and is not divided.


    There are many "non-teachers" in the world of non-duality who do not claim to be able to "get you there," but rather share pointers to that which already is, as an expression of their joy that you may see it too.


    The fact that you are seeking awareness as a direct experience is a signpost that you may be closer to the end of your self-seeking.


    If you continue in earnest there will eventually appear to come a time when the search ceases of its own accord and the grace that is awakening, that has always already been present, bursts through.