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Roberta "Josephine" Nelson

What Would Jesus Do For Tiger Woods? The Nelson Newsletter Feb.2010

  •                                                                               The Nelson Newsletter

    What Does the Bible Really Teach?      

    Arthur & Berta Josephine Nelson      February, 2010

    What Would Jesus Do For Tiger Woods?


    “But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.” Rom 13:14 KJV

    Tiger Woods, I have to say, “We honor you for all the wonderful things that have happened in your life.  It’s amazing the talent God has given you and what you have done with it; and on top of that you give all kinds of indications of being a humble man.  If I had your talent I’d blow myself up to the sky...and God would probably put me out of this universe...because He resists the proud.  That’s probably the reason He didn’t give me your talent...I’m a no talent guy but you couldn’t convince me of that. 

         Like almost everyone on the face of the earth, you have many wonderful qualities and traits about you.  But apparently, you were overcome by temptation; the number one sin in the history of man.  There’s probably no sin like sexual sin.  So I certainly cannot be too rough on you.  I’ve been there myself in the past almost everyone has.  Ask 10,000 people who are 35yrs old if they’ve ever been involved in sinful sex 90%, without a doubt, would have to say, “I’m not a virgin.”, if they are, “I’ve been guilty of watching & looking at pornography & guilty of masturbation and or oral sex.”  So you see, you’re far from being alone! 

         The question is, is there anyway that we can overcome these things?  Really overcome them?  Now, ordinarily if you become a “Christian” what you’ll be offered is forgiveness and a license to keep on sinning.  “We’re just sinners saved by Grace” is the mantra of most born again Christians today; taught to expect to sin and fail daily. That is not the kind of “Salvation” we are speaking of here. 

         If anyone understood the true Grace God has presented to us through Christ Jesus they would realize that it not only offers forgiveness of sin through our born again experience, as Dr. Frazer in our local newspaper spoke of last week, but it offers the power to stop it altogether; & All to God’s Glory! Mtt.5:16 According to Ro.6 & 2Pet.1:1-13, 2Cor.5:17, you will get a whole new disposition, a new nature that doesn’t want to do that stuff!  Hallelujah!! It wants to do the right things, it pants after a pure and godly life. 

         The devil will attempt to pull you back; he doesn’t give up that easily, but the Bible promises that if you submit yourself to God and resist the devil he has no choice but to flee!!!  James 4: 7.  Satan’s sole purpose is to destroy every one of us; probably you more than most of us because of the amazing, AMAZING influence you have in the world!  You have changed the golfing world and you can change the moral and spiritual world like very few people!  If only you were to repent, which means to make up your mind to turn from that thing and humbly invite Jesus Christ into your heart and life and let Him come and live His life inside of you, you could have a profound effect on us!! 

         You know what else would happen?  You’d be amazed!  For even though the Bible says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Indeed you have a harvest coming, it’s already started coming to you; it can stop short, absolutely.  The Lord said, “Listen you want to have a crop failure (on that ugly, destructive harvest)?” STOP!  QUIT DOING IT!  TURN TO ME FOR HELP, FOR FORGIVENESS AND FOR CLEANSING, AND BE DELIVERED FROM THAT; RECEIVE A NEW NATURE; MY NATURE WHICH DELIGHTS TO THINK, SAY AND DO RIGHT!” 

        Do that and the problems, the crop that you have coming will fail immediately and God will give you a completely different crop!  He’ll begin to get into your life and truly bless you and the world around you through you!  I know you probably have fewer problems with pride and would have far less difficulty accepting and humbling yourself to bow before God and accepting Jesus Christ His son, who came to set us free from the slavery of sex sin and every other kind of sin, than almost anybody I can think of.  Anybody who has accomplished what you have accomplished and have been as much of a gentleman, and as humble, and decent, and kind in the midst of it is AMAZING! 

         I’d be very surprised if you and Elin didn’t get involved in sex before you got married!  It would be amazing if you didn’t!  So, if that happened, how could either one of you expect not to get into it later? We don’t change that easily and it only happens because it’s going on in our minds; we’re letting our imagination carry us down the wrong road.  So, it’s not that surprising that this happened. She shouldn’t be too surprised if she was involved with you in sex before you were married.  She should say, “Well, we asked for it, we brought it on.” If so she should definitely be willing to stand behind you and work together with you if you turn and sincerely want to do the right thing and want to be back with her and make yours into a heavenly marriage and home; one that is not just pleasing to you but to God almighty.  Together with Him at the center of both of your lives, you should be able to do that and set an example that will rock the world with God and right!

         My appeal to you is to consider doing that.  I know you talk to God there’s no doubt about it.  Everybody talks to God.  A friend of mine was about ready to get shot by a German soldier in world war two, he fell on his knees and started praying and the man said what are you doing? He says, “I’m praying.”  And the man says, “I don’t believe in prayer!”  He says, “You pray!”  The guy says, “How’d you know that?” and he let him go.  The “would be victim” was alive 40yrs after the war when I met him; because he turned to God in prayer.  He didn’t even get the prayer said; God intervened!  He was ready to kill the man and he stopped right there!  He had to admit that there was a sovereign God bigger than himself and he’d better behave!

         We believe in you, Tiger and so does God who desires to restore your relationship with your wife and children and make it better than you could ever think or dream of doing yourself; and use you and your influence and talent to help transform this corrupt world.  arthurjosephine7@gmail.com 361-433-1074  You May Also Find Us on Facebook.com under Arthur-Josephine Nelson