Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Peggy Androes

Why I chose ULC

  • My husband and I have been having servere money problems recently, he lost his job and I have 3 shattered discs in my lower spine so I am unable to work.  I have applied for disability, but it is going to take 90-120 days to hear the decision.  I contacted a local minister to see if he could help us at least get some food if not help us pay our rent so that we may stay in our trailer.  He was able to help with the first but not the other.  During the interview, I had mentioned that I am a fellow minister, and he asked me what church I was affiliated with, and I told him the ULC.  He actually became incredulous, and asked me why on earth I would choose a church that has so much controvercy instead of a "regular church" and demanded that I pray about my decision, and that he could get me an ordination in the "baptist" faith.  I chose the ULC partially because of comments just like that.  I chose the ULC because no one is judged on their own faith and do not try and shove the doctrine down other's throats.  We accept others with love and respect, since everyone's faith is not only different, but their own.  All Organized Religions have had controvercy throughout the centuries, killing, maiming, kidnapping, and rape, all in the name of God, so what makes one religion better than the other?  What makes them think that they have the handle on what the "truth" is?  I truly believe that all religions, pagan, Christian, or otherwise have at least a grain of truth, so I need to respect everyone's faith, not just my own.  My faith is right for me, but it may not be right for someone else therefore I have no right to shove it down someone else's throat, and I let this other minister know that.

    Brightest of Blessings on your and yours

  • Peggy Androes
    Peggy Androes Danny, according to our government, a certificate is needed for them to recognize a marriage. However, a marriage is more than a certificate. If you love someone so much that you want to spend the rest of your life with them, then at that moment, you ar...  more
    December 30, 2009
  • Peggy Androes
    Peggy Androes according to the constitution, we supposedly have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the freedom to marry who we wish. Maybe the founding fathers should have put a stipulation in there such as..."as long as it goes along with what everyone else ...  more
    December 30, 2009