Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Adelbert Niles Potter Jr.

Missions Of Mercy, Inc.ULC " Missing Children Service "

  • If you would and might be interrested in joining the Missing Children Service and help find Missing Children and help spred the Love and Word of The Lord , contact Rev. Potter Missions Of Mercy,Inc.ULC and I will be glad to help you and your church get started and help you every step of the way , to do the Lord's work through working with Lost Children. If you take time and look under groups for Missions Of Mercy,Inc.ULC you will see that my Ministry has been looking for missing children for the last 29 years and The Lord Has made this program work . Now I'm 63 this year and I have Rhumatoied is in 98% of my body and slowing down now . Missing Children Service is a program I/my Church put together and started back in 1984 , I opened 19 offices in 14 counties , and found alot of children , and help put

    away alot of Bad People who love hurting children . We/I can help you set up your office , open up

    your thrift stores ,(as many as you want) , set up store locations for you to do the free finger printing

    and pass out fliers and other fundraising for your program .( as many as you want) We/I can teach you the program and everything about runing the program and you and your church and make a differance  and do The Lord's work . Befor I go to be with my Lord , I would like to see a MISSING CHILDREN OFFICE in every city and in every state , and run by the church and not by the state . This program is a good and working program , and you will have my 29 years of  working this program there for you and your church to do the Lord's work and help build your church . The Lord say's for us to protect the children and this way you can. Rev.Potter (530)966-4811 May God Bless and Keep You.