Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rebekah Kilianamalaan





    Aloha and Namaste!


    I felt I wanted to introduce myself as a new member here - guided by Spirit to start my own Church, I started by googling "how to start your own church in the UK" and I found this site!


    Mediumship runs in my family and in 2007 I started doing readings regularly and experiencing other wordly events, with Angels, Past lives, Alternate lives and discovering about Twin Souls.


    I have struggled with accepting the Twin Soul concept most of all, because once I discovered who mine was it made it - at least for my ego, unbelievable. Aliens I can accept, WHO my Twin was, seemed to be a big issue for me lol!

    I won't give to much more away on that for now as it is still unfolding, but the premise of Divine Love and moving away from being trapped by fear is my focus and whilst I have been facing a lot of my fears recently, namely my health after discovering the females in our family have a potentially lethal heart defect that may be the underlying root cause of all my health issues, I decided I NEEDED and wanted to focus on recieving and giving more love.


    For me I am a big kid, I love to draw cartoons, watch Manga, I am an avid X-Men comic collector, I customize My Little Ponies, and Doctor Who has had a major impact on my life both for creative purposes and spiritual. 


    I have become seriously impunded by a life time of fear, abusive relationship, divorced parents, bullying, the "normal" life dramas we end up finding ourselves contending with.


    And this is my attempt to move above and beyond that to strive for something better.


    My guides warned me if I did not listen to them with regards to my heart - which they told me about just before I had an "episode" that it would have lethal consequences. 


    This time I really did listen and I got confirmation in the ecg - a little blip that pointed to a "minor" issue - which when I pointed it out to my Mother she then told me about the heart issue that runs the female side of the family (along with migraines neuro issues) which I strongly feel are directly linked in with the heart condition.


    So - basically, Focus on the Love = Health. Fear = Stress and an early grave. Great way to motivate me! Funnily enough I have this mixed feeling of more joy than fear because now I feel clear in myself on what I meant to do so this is a blessing in disguise I feel.


    My name is Lady Rebekah Kilianamalaan and thank you for the beautiful welcomes I have had already! 


    I feel a lot of love and support, like I have found a home here. 


    Namaste and Blessings



1 comment
  • Rebekah Kilianamalaan
    Rebekah Kilianamalaan I forgot to mention that - I saw that and signed up so I am also ordained now too! :) Thank you for the welcome - I would love to do a bricks and mortar, real life as well as online - I want a church in Wales, if I had the money - there was one for Sale I...  more
    October 19, 2013 - 3 like this