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Rev. S Givhan

Before or After?


    Hypothetical Question
    If God asked you to choose one, Before or After. Which would you choose?
    Many years ago while at the dentist the doctor posed this same question, I say as a way to reduce my anxiety. You are not allowed to ask any questions especially, before or after what? You must choose one and cannot change your mind later. The possibilities of what this could be about stayed with me for years. If it’s a wonderful blessing of course before. But my fears got the best of me and assumed the worst. I was in no hurry for anything negative and wanted to put whatever it was off for as long as I could. I was a coward and finally with long careful thought chose After. I think this question and how we would answer it says a lot about ourselves.
    Would you prefer to know or not know is another question.
    If given the choice to know everything, the real truth of our existence and reason for being, everyone’s future, when and how you will die and what really happens after that, the various universal projects being put in place, just everything there is to know… would you really want to know? I took such questions very seriously and responded to this one by saying I prefer to know and not know at the same time in order to reduce the stress of knowing for sure. This would come by way of a strong intuition and being right most of the time. The doctor stated as if he knew for sure that some of the smartest people in the world throughout history chose to know and couldn’t handle it. Once you know, you also know that everything you know is true and factual and cannot be dismissed. I can see where this would be too overwhelming for the mind to handle. Right now we have the option to dismiss what we refuse to believe. What we are too afraid to acknowledge. I believe there are many people like this doctor who has a special insight. People with abilities like hypnotists, mediums, etc. We know back in the day any differences or innovative thinking created a negative labeling, which encourage such individuals to keep any uniqueness to themselves. Its safer to speak hypothetically. I feel it was not a coincidence that this doctor and I should cross paths. 
    Before or After
    Know or Not Know
  • Charles Lee, Jr
    Charles Lee, Jr Oh, and uhm, since it's a pretty safe guess to say, "knowledge comes when it's time to know", my money is on knowing after, rather than before.

    There are a few cliche's that speak to the wisdom of the universe wanting and planning for us to "know a...  more
    January 7, 2010
  • Charles Lee, Jr
    Charles Lee, Jr This part of your blog seems to point out the unfolding of the Universe's knowledge to itself, as the conscious beings it continuously creates:

    "If given the choice to know everything, the real truth of our existence and reason for being, everyone’...  more
    January 7, 2010