Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Joe Bear Gonzales


  • Words

    Words are very powerful. They can be used as healing medicine and they can be used as black magic. Be careful of the words you choose. You can save a life and you can destroy a life through words. Don't get me wrong it takes two to be involved. The person using the words as healing or as black magic and the person receiving these words. The person receiving these words has to make a choice whether to believe it and accept these words or to reject them. For example if I told you that you were no good and you believe and accept these words I am using black magic on you and by you accepting them you will see yourself as no good. Now if I tell you that you are a beautiful person and you believe these words I am using my words as healing and you will if not now eventually see yourself as a beautiful person. I see many people who are filled with anger, bitterness and hatred using black magic through words. Parents do it to their children. You see it happening in schools throughout the United States and even in churches you will hear gossip that have destroyed people and even marriages. We need to choose how we will use our words and there are benefits for using your words as healing medicine. At the same time using words as black magic will only make you more angry, bitter and filled with more hatred. It is my prayer that everyone chooses to use their words as healing medicine. This world would be a better place to live in.

    Written By Bear Warrior