Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Joe Bear Gonzales

Why are you complaining again?

  • Why are you complaining again?

    1) A child died in a mothers arms and the mother felt so bad because she couldn't do anything about it.
    2) A child was kidnapped to be sold into slavery.
    3) Many children died because their town was bombed by terrorists.
    4) Many people are suffering in the Philippines. Many are walking around smelling dead rotting bodies and don't know if they will be able to give their children food and drinking water the next day.
    5) A soldier who served in Afghanistan just had his daughter stolen from him and now the thieves are suing him for legal fee's. What a way to thank a soldier for his service.
    6) Children go to bed and don't know whether they will be starved out or bombed out of the non safety of their home.
    7) A soldier fighting a war oversea's is face talking with his wife and he witnesses someone murdering her as they are speaking. 
    There are so many people suffering in so many ways and we tend to gripe and complain just because we got a boo boo. I say that it is time that we stop complaining about the little pebbles that get inside our shoe when their are people who don't have shoes and have to carry boulders on their back. Please remind me why you are complaining? Please remind me why you are not grateful for what you have when their are people who have nothing whatsoever? I think it is time for us to wake up, grow up, stand up and be thankful and grateful for what we have. It is time to stop complaining for what we don't have.

    Written by Bear Warrior 11-16-13