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Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM,

Is it What It Is?

  • Is it What It It? or I should say, Is this site what it claims to be? In my Observation over the past year, I have come to think that fellow Member Ophi Ophiuchus sums it up in his greetings to new members. " Welcome to our Merry band of Misfits" Now please, don't misconstrue or misunderstand my meaning or intent here, for this is merely my opinion from Observation. This site contains a vastly diverse group of people of not just Spiritual and Religious beliefs, but from very diverse ways of life. By that I mean, different Familial make up, Economic make up, Education, Career make up, Marital status, I think you get my drift here. There is another aspect we have to remember as well, Emotional make up..... I will refrain from using the term Emotional Stability, here because I know to some, that would imply that I mean mentally unstable, when in fact I do not mean anything of the sort. I do however mean that some of us are more likely to allow our Emotions Good and/or Bad to control how we converse with others. Have I been guilty of allowing my " Bad Emotions" to control mt thoughts in conversation? Yes, I guess a couple of times I suppose I have. However so has everyone else a time or two. Yet there are some folks in any organizational group that allow this more times than not.

    Now, it has been said many times and yes by my Wife, that Critical Thinking is important in any Conversation. She is not the only person who has said and believes this to be so. Another member here has stated just yesterday that " research is your friend". Indeed it is! So many times here, only half truths are conveyed or statements are made that are misquoted. That's where I suppose the Emotions come into play. When some members point out incomplete statements or try to elaborate on statements made using Critical Thinking, it is taken as an Offensive move, when in fact, Clarity and a more full definition is all that is being stated. Name calling and/or personal stabs are made, and conversations turn ugly, sometimes very quickly.

    Yesterday Pluto posted a Poll, I am not going to name it for I am sure those who may read this have read and perhaps voted. The poll was in my opinion a fair poll question. And since we are a diverse group, there was no doubt in my mind that it was going to be answered and voted on pretty much as it was. I won't elaborate here unless a respondant flat out asks me why I feel as I do about it. In the end, Not everyone will be satisfied with ant specific outcome in any given situation, nor will they all agree as to the reasoning behind that end result, therefore, someones feelings are always going to get hurt.

    Also an observation and my opinion, This site seems or as I have heard said, It's Leaders and Followers. I suppose to a point, that may be true. I have also heard the phrase " I have been schooled on who to be friends with" Now I may be wrong here, but that sounds an aweful lot like facebook and twitter to me. This site is neither! This site is supposed to or I thought supposed to be a Spiritual and Religious, Marriage Officiant organization...That's what it is Right? Or maybe I misread something.


    I try and treat this site for what it claims to be, And what it claims to be is a very good thing. We all must remember one thing, We ARE all children of one Universe and we ARE all individual in Soul and Spirit with Individual thought and belief. Every day here it is going to be possible if not probable that someone is going to say something that may Piss us off. I don't care who you are or who you think you are, you have the ability to get Pissed off, and therefore have the same ability to lash out....Welcome to the Human Race........

    Back to the question....Is it What It Is? In my Opinion, Yes, This site is trying very hard to live up to it's credo. As such I must give Admin. A thumbs up for it's Governing of this site in it's diversity....Again, Not everyone is going to be satisfied...But as the saying goes, Better Pissed off than Pissed on........

  • Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM,
    Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM, I have been apologized to many times because what I said was acted upon or reacted to before thought was evoked. Purely from Emotion. Be it anger, Embarrassment or fear. I have myself apologized for doing so, but have learned for the most part to gather m...  more
    January 7, 2015 - 1 likes this
  • Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM,
    Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM, That is what I thought this site was for, Learning. That being said, I don't mean as you say the Copy, paste learning but the experience learning. Let's face it what is written does not always follow what is Real life experience.
    January 7, 2015 - 1 likes this