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Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM,

A Free Thinking Christian

  • When I write blogs I generally write based on my observation and mostly of my opinion. On this one however I am going to write from my point of view. That makes this blog different and much more personal. I do not intend offense to anyone, but merely to put out there what my stance is of my Christianity, and what my Soul perceives it to be. What I believe it is to be a Free Thinking Christian!

    I perceive the Bible to be a history book for Christians, a chronological record of events in Christianity that takes place prior to 1934 years ago by Christian reckoning. This would be from Gods creation of the Heavens and the Earth with all the trimmings. When He (God) created our ancestors, Adam and Eve. That is when the History book began. From day 1 I believe God (whom, from this point on I shall refer to as Grandfather because of my personal relationship with Him) realized that the Human race He created had free will. Did He make a mistake? I don’t think He did. I believe it is possible, as I have been discussing with a new Christian friend of mine that our Creator needed to learn something that He Himself could not experience. He needed the experience of Flesh and Blood, to experience touch and to be touched. To see what it is like to be frail, weak and experience evolution of not only a physical body but an ever growing inner essence, our soul. He also wanted to see obedience and disobedience. Our ability to love, and be loved as well as our ability to hate. Our ability to be cruel as well as our ability to be kind, after all Grandfather is Omnipotent right? He is all powerful, all seeing, all knowing right? Perhaps, but if He is Omnipotent it means that He cannot suffer death as we know it, He would not be able to suffer all the frailties that we as humans suffer because if He were to do so, He would also have to suffer death wouldn’t He? We would believe that Grandfather has the ability to feel emotion though right? After all He got pretty angry on numerous occasions, and for proof of that just ask Noah or perhaps Lot. We know from the Bible that Sodom and Gomorrah felt His wrath for the wickedness of the people inhabiting those two cities. The list goes on, yet what if He did so to see how His creation (us) handled the situations he set forth for us. How we used that intricate mass that He endowed us with, our brain..

    According to our Biblical history book Grandfather sent down from Mt. Horeb two stone tablets in the care of His spokesman Moses, those tablets held the word of God, His laws for humanity which I won’t list here because to those of the Christian faith, know what they are or at the very least are supposed to. They also know where they can be found in the Bible. But for those non-Christians it can be found in the book of Exodus chapter 20 verses 1-17. I think that perhaps He created those laws as sort of a guide for self- preservation and the preservation of His creation, both morally (in His view) and physically.
    We as Christians to this day try our best to live by those laws. I find that some however take teachings of Grandfather or those passed down to those ancient scribes as the Law of Grandfather. I don’t believe that to be the case however. If this were true the Ten Commandments of Grandfather would be the Thousand Commandments of God. Such teachings are provided us as things that are favorable or perhaps not so favorable in the eyes of Grandfather. These things I speak of are from the Old Testament or the first chronology of the Bible. Take homosexuality for example, there are 7 areas in the Bible where this subject is mentioned specifically mainly in the Old Testament and from Pauls letters and the writings of Timothy. From my point of view I see this as more of a cultural standpoint from the times and not so much the Law of Grandfather and what was written seemed to me to deal more with rape and Idolatry. Again I find this point open to the interpretation of the reader or the teachings of individual Ministers. One thing I find interesting, In the better than 40 years I have attended Church services I have never once heard the subject of homosexuality mentioned in service. I decided long ago that this so called abomination must not be so bad in the eyes of the Church if I have never heard any Sermons telling me how Grandfather felt about it, so I personally don’t think it to be such a grievous sin as I hear a great deal of Christians believe it is. However I do think that if Christians believe in the literal writings of the Bible, than it is not within my personal belief or rights to object any more than it is my belief or right to object to anyone’s choice of sexual orientation.

    I believe the Bible to be a somewhat accurate account of events and happenings from the beginning of time by Christian reckoning to about 2000 years ago. But do the old teachings and laws apply in today’s world? I believe the Commandments of Grandfather indeed still apply to this day, some of which have been adopted into Mans Criminal Laws and some into Civil Laws. If they weren’t we would have mayhem and chaos. As for the vast majority of the teachings however, I think have gone obsolete due to the evolution of mankind. I ask you when was the last time any of us attended a stoning? How about a crucifixion? Why did the scribing of the Bible pretty much abruptly stop? As for the last question I still have questions about that. Was there no one left after John to carry on scribing the history of Christianity? Sure there was, Us. The Bible to me was just as I stated a history book of Christianity, but within that entire book was an historical account of something else. Humanity, a recorded history of Grandfathers greatest creation Man! From the point the Biblical history ended Man has written books about the history of mankind and pretty much everything they believe, do and so on. Humanity has carried on and will continue to do so. Human beings were given one great gift by Grandfather Free will. I practice my Christianity with the Free will Grandfather gave me. I believe that Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, Gave His life for the Salvation of my Soul in the belief that we humans should Love each other, have compassion for each other, yet I also understand that one must stand up for what they believe in. Christ did….