Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM,

Why do YOU post Here on the ULCM?

  • I as well as a great many members of the ULCM post on the main page directly or post in blog format on a very wide range of topics. We also have a wide range of reasons as to why we post here. For some of us, it is because of the interaction with friends we have made during our time here and merely enjoy conversing with them. Others may post about some religious or spiritual topic that has made the news or that they have come across in conversation off the site in their daily lives. There are also those of us who are trying to get a message out to the rest of us about their particular belief, so that we may unserstand them better. There are a vast amount of posts that spark genuine intelligent conversation among many members on any given post upwards to over 100 comments of various viewpoints on the subject at hand. Sometimes, in the spirit of humor they get sidetracked momentarilly, but usually get back on track rather quickly.


    Unfortunately, it is obvious that there are posts that are apparently posted for no other reason than to be controversial. These posts tend to bring out either the best or the worst in people. These posts also will tend to have the strongest and most voiceful opinions, both negative and positive. I think that we all have seen this a time or two. We have all seen comments if not made comments that have been more emotional in nature than derived from thought, I know I have a couple of times, and those are usually due to anger. Ahhh Anger..now there is another reason why some folks post, to bring out the anger of others. Has anyone reading this Blog ever done that? Before you answer that please think a bit. I have heard ( seen) the statement "I like to fight" more than once on this site since I have been here, so I know that there are at least a couple who openly admitted to that very thing. Why? Popularity? Ego? Arrogance? well there could be many reasons. Let us not forget about the facebook drama posts, I won't even get into those, because we have all seen them so I think enough said about that.


    Another thing that I have seen in my going on 2 years here, are posts that are sure to attract both positive as well as negative responses, is the DELETE button being used by the member who created the post. When there is a comment regarding their post that is negative and not the " all agreeing pat on the back " response, the responding comment is deleted. let us not forget the comment said in anger that the responder will leave up only for a few minutes before deleting their own comment.


    I believe that when we post on this site and allow for comments, we must post with the understanding that we are bound to receive both positive and negatine responses to our post, due to the diversity in mindset of the general populous of this site. Different people become offended for different reasons, and will respond in kind. I know for a fact that there are those here whom my responses have pissed right off, however I am entitled to my opinion as is everyone else, and by having that comment button attached to your post, you should accept the outcome. This is not leaving out the occasional downright nasty post or comment. In those cases we have the ability to report the offensive person to administration to investigate and take appropriate action.


    If you do not wish anyone to comment on your posts, well that is easy, go to your settings and apply the share only setting, comments problem solved. Though I have always wondered why anyone would do this other than fear of folks commenting in any other than the " Oh, I totally agree, pat on the back" response. That of course is my opinion, though I bet I'm pretty close to the mark. I also wonder why folks become members of a "Ministers Network" who aren't Ordained Ministers of which belief system they belong, nor intend to become Ordained, and generally post that which has nothing to do with Ministry or Spirituality.  Hmmm.


    So I guess the question here is this, Why do YOU post here on the ULCM? Just to state your beliefs? To invoke intelligent conversation? Because you like controversy, and wish to create an argument? Or perhaps to make a Political statement ?


    Why do YOU post here on the ULCM?



  • Rev. Jesse Vance
    Rev. Jesse Vance Taz, my Brother. In response to your Blog and question: "Why do YOU post Here on the ULCM?"
    You know why I post here. We have talked of my belief system in private. But I suppose, since the question has been asked, I should do it a bit more p...  more
    April 12, 2015
  • Rev. Jesse Vance
    Rev. Jesse Vance Half of my reply didn't post. ?????
    April 12, 2015