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Jamille (Lady Lotus) (Weiland)

Spouse or Settlement

  • SPOUSE OR SETTLEMENT (I wrote this one awhile ago..no one seemed to like it...Here's trying again....)

    By Jamille A. Weiland (a.k.a. Lotus)

    "Dead"-icated to Branden...my loving husband...Whom I could treat better...


    We fight, we argue,

    and we cry

    But I wouldn't trade you in

    And here's the reasons why:


    Jackets when it's cold

    Fresh-picked berries off the vine

    Your never-ending belief in me

    As well as the Divine


    By my side

    Through night and day

    "He's lowering her blood pressure"

    I heard one of the nurses say


    Items wear, break, and tear

    They fade and become obsolete

    Fun at first, then discarded

    And you thought i'd somehow make you "complete"


    Nuts on a sundae

    Fish on the line

    Good times to be had

    Leaves no one behind


    Wings are what you offer

    Comfort is what you give

    You make life an art-form

    In the way in which you live


    Contagious smile

    Fun-loving laugh

    I'd sail without you

    Even half-mast


    I spent a lifetime without you

    I found you quite late

    Like a fish on the line

    I wanted the bait


    I want what I have

    There's nothing I lack

    What I need, it surrounds me

    I only wish I could pay you back.