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Cathy Brookes

Faith? Spirituality? Truth? Ones own Perception of the truth?

  • I used to be a Reader Many years ago, and now am comming back into it. Left because of the Church and was told I was going to hell because of my choice's of Tarot card, palmistry, mediumship.

    Now I didn't/don't choose to do magic of any sort white or black, and ALWAYS Believed/Believe that Jesus was the son of God (even though I was born Jewish, Parents Loved that one) I was still warned, That it was EVIL and I was tampering with "the Forbidden Fruit". And that if by chance I did get into heaven it would be by the skin of my teeth and I was teatering on a fence, and was told that I of course Didn't want to do that, So I gave it up for many years.

    But Recently I have been drawn back into the metaphysical world, and am having confusing thoughts and of course being pulled by family members. My heart is split in 2 because it knows not the truth. All I have is confusion. I have read in the new testiment about Spirtiual Gifts, but I know what the old testiment says too.

    If anyone can share some simple and laymen help that would be appreciated. I know it is all on one's owns interpitation, but I guess There are so many people here of differn't but the same, I figure that somehow, I will be able to put together some kind of conclusion.

    My Beliefs Haven't changed toward Jesus Our Lord, I just have fear of going to hell I guess (lol) programed into me that is stopping me from spiritual growth, and vision. I feel I have a purpose to help people on their paths, may it be that I use for the sake of better words "tools" like the cards, I don't deam them as evil, not to me? They show a path/Guidance of what could be if you keep things the same, and as for the mediumship I don't channel I just talk to deceased family member or spirit guides if the come to the readings, alot of times it helps people heal, and move foward and let go. Any input would be greatly appreciated. 

    Thank you for all your help, May God bless you all.

    Peace and Love,


  • Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose
    Rev. Dr. Dean And Rev. Barbara Rose You may be more spiritualy evolved than most other people. Do not fear, you are not alone. Come visit my group "quantum physics and spirituality" and see my discussion of the quantum vacuum. It may have some information that will suprise you.
    January 23, 2010
  • Charles Lee, Jr
    Charles Lee, Jr Cathy~

    My first thought was, after reading your query blog, it takes alot of courage to not throw any of what you've done or experienced away as "sinful", "bad", "evil" or "wrong".

    As much as people talk about "judging", those kind of judgme...  more
    January 22, 2010