Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco

My Mind Exploring n Nearing Melt Down... :-)

  • I had a cool appointment with my counselor 1st talk some about roommates but then talked about the issue last week that upset me greatly n N & that got me talking about my beliefs n understandings of religions n faith n space n the universe n life n everything n the more I talked about the more my brain started going here, there, up, down, side-ways, in, out, space, to point I felt my brain would really melt down or expand n blow-up or maybe just running into the damaged parts of my brain from my drunken days or from my stroke damage So, I stop n then told her when my mind goes that far n deep into my belief n faith I snap back to a simpler idea 'Honor God n Love Everyone'...
    I smiled when I saw her smiling think I made her laugh a little in her head...
    I don't know the terms used when your mind goes into that deep of thinking but it feels like my mind is exploring into areas of my brain isn't ready for sort of like when the Bible says man can't see God because we are not about to understand what we are seeing n also like why God spoke to Moses from inside a burning tree/bush, n most the times has angels pass a message to man... I know my brain can't handle the many things it sometimes starts to think about... Maybe that is why I enjoy being crazy because my mind is a little crazy...

    :-D  Rev. Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr. :-)
