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Rev. T. Tucker Forensic Psychologist (Ret.)

Over Medicated Toxic America

  • Over Medicated Toxic America

    America is only 5% of the world population and yet it consumes 75% of all prescribed drugs.

    However it is not the fault of medical doctors simply, because they are only trained to treat the symptoms, not the whole person. Medications in fact only serve as band aids, they mask the core issue.

    America sad to state does not even make the top ten in healthcare, we are only # 37 on the list.

    Also America and New Zealand are the only countries that advertise drugs (push drugs) all for the sake of $$$. In America there are more people dying from drug toxicity and the complications thereof; rather than natural causes of old age.

    More and more people are beginning to realize and learn that more holistic and back to basic approaches serve to treat the whole person; giving up processed foods, glutens and other foods that cause inflammation; seeking out chiropractic’s, massage therapies, acupressure and acupuncture, along with appropriate low impact exercise as well as mediation/prayer in conjunction with spiritual and or religious practices.

    Many more Americans are becoming drug free and have regained quality of life and are healthier overall by utilizing holistic lifestyles approaches.

    It’s vital we pay attention to our bodies, they do communicate with us and let us know when something is wrong. Be your own advocate and let your doctor know, “I do not want some pill to serve only as a band aid and mask the core issue” I want to know exactly what is going on so the issue can be fixed “


    There has been an astronomical rise in neuropathy since 2010 and the youngest case recorded is a young girl of only 13.

    MYTH: neuropathy is only related to those with diabetes.

    FACT: 85% of neuropathy cases are NOT related to diabetes

    The top two causes of neuropathy are medications and injuries, statin drugs being one of the worst offenders as well as anti-seizure drugs. In fact there are many drugs known to cause some forms of cancer, other possible side effects death! Terrifying isn’t it?  

    Yes a very troubling side effect of prescribed drugs is neuropathy

    The casing that houses our nerves is called the myelin sheath, it is made up of cholesterol, so when you take a drug that is supposed to fight against cholesterol, guess what; your nerves are being damaged over time leading to neuropathy.

    What Is Peripheral Neuropathy?

    The name of the condition tells you a bit about what it is:

    Peripheral: Beyond (in this case, beyond the brain and the spinal cord.)

    Neuro-: Related to the nerves

    -pathy: Disease

    Peripheral neuropathy refers to the conditions that result when nerves that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord from and to the rest of the body are damaged or diseased.

    Neuropathy is chronic and progressive, once it get to the point of the actually becoming dead, there is no reversing it and the amputations begin.  https://www.facebook.com/notes/tee-tucker/over-medicated-toxic-america/1769318480006990

1 comment
  • Rev. T. Tucker Forensic Psychologist (Ret.)
    Rev. T. Tucker Forensic Psychologist (Ret.) Here is the link to the original post of this article on facebook https://www.facebook.com/notes/tee-tucker/over-medicated-toxic-america/1769318480006990
    December 23, 2016