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Dr. Ramon G. Rivera

The Melting Pot of the Entire Planet

  • As an American Citizen of the USA and Army Veteran....I believe in activities that allow me exposure to as many different human interests as there are different people. We live in the Biggest Melting Pot on the Planet: America. There is nothing in this country that can not be found anywhere else on the planet. So I always decorate my websites with things that ought to let others know ...I comprehend.... . I rather have more reasons available to make friends than the other reasons keeping others away. I'll never reject another American...they'll have to decide on rejection all on their own and for their own reasons. So anything on my website causing uneasiness is only in the mind of the person or persons feeling uneasy about. I'm in America and I'm comfortable with any American not practicing hate on all the levels it is found. Of Course we will always hate something...lets just make sure it is evil we hate. Ignore the differences when no one is being injured. And Live in Peace with as many as possible. I will always be careful and afraid if the person I'm with blows themselves up and in that case our troubles are over.

    So.....I place this animation gif symbol to landmark the terrain of this mental construct...I could have used something totally different but I think this kits the spot:

    I Am: the