Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Linette Gomillion-Ellis

When Searching the Cosmos for Direction

  • Life is filled with many avenues and turns, sometimes we get caught up going with the flow, enjoying the ride. But what happens when your spirit starts giving you signals that it's time to stop and take stock? It's then you find yourself at the famous cross roads of life. You think to yourself that one moment you thought all was well and now? It's not? The signs tell you that one way leads to no where, another reads stop and proceed with caution, others may read: go back four steps and somehow you know your going to be sitting on someone else's property and you will have to pay them rent. Now if your really trying to move forward in a direction that will lead you in a positive direction, I say you should stop and first ask for directions... (To read the rest please check out my site at: blog.allinreach.com)