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Martha Range

Christmas Blessings!

  • God's Blessings!

    I recently had someone ask me who had the biggest influence on my life. That is a profound question. It was one I had to think about for a while before answering.

    My life has been chaotic to say the least. I've lived many lives in many different places. I've faced death numerous times. My heart has been broken often. I've started over so many times that it was almost expected. Many people have come and gone through the years, so when I ask myself who was more responsible for forming my outlook on life it is difficult to name one.  All made an impression and all helped to form me as a person.

    Only one thing has remained constant throughout my life. GOD is always there. He watches over me; comforts me when I am in pain; provides for me when I am in need; makes sure I am healed when I am broken; and inspires me when my spirit is low.  I know for a fact that He will greet me in Heaven when I leave this earthly plane.

    I credit my Mother for establishing my early Christian education, but it was GOD Himself who guided my life. My faith in Him was strengthened through the trials of life. 

    Who had the biggest influence on YOUR LIFE?