Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Taress Clark

Lord, you make me better

  • Lord, you are my biggest supporter. You are my advocate, counselor, teacher, best friend even. You make me want to be a better me. You see the potential, promise, and possibilities in me that many times I don't see in myself. You see me as powerful, equipped, well able. You see me as a success. Lord, you look past my failures and mistakes and see me as a woman, filled with passion and purpose. You see me as the child you created me to be. Lord, when you speak to me, never are you critical, judgemental or unkind. Never do you yell, scream or belittle me. But you speak to me with love and are ever so gentle. Lord, from our talks I feel like I can take on the world because I know that you will always be there to encourage, strengthen, and help me. Thank you Lord! With you, I cannot fail. With you, all is possible and with you, I can be all that you created me to be.