Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Isabella Abood

New Community Now forming

  • Esser's Peace is a branch of the Tree House Healing Ministry and a new community that was donated anonymously by a friend of Jesus for the use of ALL people with the intent to be a safe place to send out Light , love and peace to Mother earth and to make the world livable through their community activism. It is located in Bunker, Missouri about an hour from Salem, MO.

    The intent is to become self sustaining through organic farming, managing the land by causing no harm while we survive on and through it. It includes healing the society by supporting pacifism, moving to a non-exploitive monetary system, maintaining a balance in the ecology of space station Earth, working only the hours it takes to provide our basic needs of accomodations and food.

    We are dedicated to healing at all levels – physical, emotional, mental,
    spiritual, and planetary – and live fully in service to the Light that
    is in all of Creation. We understand the power of thought, word, and action,
    and assume personal responsibility for spreading positive, harmonious
    thoughts; radiating love, light, and healing to the world; and directing every
    action toward growth and transformation.

    We consider our earth to be a living being with whom we care to live in
    close communion, and resolve to respect, protect, and heal her. We consider
    all people and creatures to be our brothers and sisters, and endeavor in
    caring, compassionate, and creative ways to be of healing service to those in

    There is a small monthly fee of $200 per person to cover community taxes, basic staples we have not yet grown for ourselves and internet and other communication services. (This will reduce when the community grows and share these costs. 100 people sharing costs is much easier on the pocketbook than only 10 people! So help us build this community fast!

    Once community work is done for the day the rest of your time belongs to you to create whatever you choose. Income you create will be yours with some fees if it includes the use of the communities facilities or services.

    We want to create a large, vibrant, vital community of people of every age, race, religious interest, work experience, sexual orientation... We believe that people are happier when they are not exploited and when their basic needs are met with a minimum of labor. In a society where both sexes have equality, little stress and a large supportive group of equals we believe that life will become a joy!

    We want to be an example to the world that people live happier and more valuable lives without the exploitive economics that cause wars and deny people land, and destroy the eco system. We think people will be healthier working short hours, eating holistic foods, and living with fun in their lives instead of stress. We want to make this known to the world so we can alter the course of destruction to one of light, happiness and health for all of the Earth's life forms and systems.

    We welcome people of all skills and all walks of life that agree with the principles expressed above. Your help is valuable. If you are willing, come join us at Esser's Peace. Wwoofing accepted :) 573-689-1468