Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. David Friend


  • The spammers of late are just too silly for words! I have just sat and wondered at what kind of odd ball would spam people like us? I'm not alone here, but I will use myself as an example. One who professes a life of faith should walk their faith; if you talk the talk, walk the walk; right? This is what I try to do, as best as one can. This has me living on more faith than money. I assume there are others like me as well. This is what we do. 

    So here we are, humble Spiritual folk, under siege by money hungry spammers. Now any intelligent person would know that this is a rock that has very little, if anything, to squeeze out. They may as well spam Tibetan Monks!

    I'm fifty one years old. My last job was cleaning and maintaining stalls and runs for 21 horses and other assorted creatures. This included all of the other tasks that goes with this kind of job. Nobody wants to hire an old man these days so I have to become very creative with where I look for work just so I can have time for a Ministry and to eat. I praise my Creator for meeting my every need all of these years. I'm not complaining. I'm just saying that we are poor folks for the most part.

    So here come the spammers.... funny; right?