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Brian Woodward

To Much Knowledge

  • When does one have to much knowledge? I used to answer surveys for an on-line organization, and the final question always asked,was "Does the Internet make to much news available?" I always answered "No".


    I love to study. I believe I have more of an open mind, because of my lust for knowledge. I like to read (hear) about alternative takes on all subjects. Neil Degrasse Tyson did a series awhile back talking about how things we know in science today, had no frame of reference for people centuries, or even just decades ago. He used the example of epilepsy. Someone having a fit, may have been thought of as possessed by demons. People did not know about neurons and science related to the brain.


    In Taoism there is the discussion of knowledge pigeonholing someone in a certain mindset. (A well-frog cannot imagine an ocean.) Can to much knowledge lead someone to believe only they, and/or, their small group is right? I think it does/has happen/ed. My hope with this site, is to broaden my knowledge and to listen to the opinions of others. Also to be able to discus those opinions. I have a co-worker that told me today that he absolutely believed that man has never landed on the moon. I had to catch myself. I was about to roll my eyes, and tune him out. Instead, I discussed it with him. I wanted to know exactly where he came from. He didn't persuade me to his side, but I think listening helped me understand the 'why' of this belief. I ended up having a very interesting discussion about various conspiracy theories.


    Now I look at this discussion with my issue about faith. Wiktionary's first definition is “A feeling, conviction, or belief that something is true or real, not contingent upon reason or justification.” Which, I guess, would bring me to Secular Humanism. Meaning, I can't be in that group, because I have faith in God and Jesus. ( Another blog, for another time. I was ordained in that fold in 2005, but now see my error, which led me to here.) Of course, I believe that the Bible gives me good reason and justification, but I see where my interest in on-line ordination blinded me to my inability to put my square peg into a narrow circle.

    I digressed again, didn't I? I wanted to put faith into perspective. I think that to much knowledge, can lead to a lack of faith, or the ability to have faith. I also think it can lead to not realizing that my friend is writhing on the ground, not because of demons, but because of biology. Which is ironic right? Makes me think of Thomas Paine's argument against Christianity by saying look at the Jews, and their text, even though they do not believe in Jesus' divinity. But I'll stick with it, laugh if you will.


    The other thing that led me to this and faith, was the poll someone posted about belief in the Bible. Faith leads me to believe what I know is true. The texts were handed down this way for a reason other than the decision of a person or group of people. The hand of God is there. The mind of Man and interpretations causing the issues, more often than not.


    Did I get to a point? Instead of thoughts on paper, it is thoughts on the 'net. I don't want to keep them to myself.