Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Brian Woodward

My Testimony

  • Where does this come from? What is my testimony? I don't have the story that makes everyone turn to the Creator. That isn't the point for me. It just gives the 'why'.


    I come from a family of atheists. My mother took me to a Methodist Sunday school, but once I graduated, that was it. God was not brought up again until high school. Her famous quote to me was, “The Bible is the greatest work of fiction ever written”. One day the Gideon's were giving out mini Bibles to kids at school. You had to ask. They didn't push. My friends and I made a game. How many could we get? I came home with a backpack full of Bibles. This upset my mother. After a complaint, the Gideon's didn't come back.


    I read, and learned, and meditated and prayed. I started going to church again, about 25 years ago. I made friends. I read and learned more. I questioned, I prayed.


    I had a bad back for awhile. I would get a twitch that made me lose my legs and fall down. The pain was bad. I went to doctors. I took pain medication. I went to physical therapy. One day after a service, I was standing with my friends, then got a chair to sit down. Everyone was standing in a circle, and I couldn't. When asked, I just waived it off, and kept up with the conversation. A couple of my friends worked with me. They saw me limp into work. They saw me wait until I got to work, before I took any pain medication. I didn't want anything to affect my driving. They knew I had been pulled into HR and questioned about my pain killer use. I smiled and prayed and loved God, and didn't waiver. I went on.


    The next day after I had to sit in our group, I went to physical therapy. I felt better that day. I didn't take any medication. I told the PT person that I didn't need to go anymore. I didn't understand, but I didn't question. I was pain free. I walked without a cane. Without pain. After I left the day before, my friends prayed for me. They saw my pain, and asked God to heal me. I didn't know. I found out later. I understood true faith. I understood true friendship. I understood prayer works. Gods love, Jesus' love, my friends love, healed me. To this day I have not been in that condition again. I believe because I have been touched by the hand of God. I live a miracle. You may believe otherwise. I believe, because I have faith.


    My best friend to this day was in that group. We don't keep in touch. Both busy with our lives. He is now a preacher. Ordained by his faith. Teaching the Bible to others. He has a condition that he may have been told, he wouldn't be with us today. He had faith. His friends and family believed in God. He is here today. He teaches others today, and spreads the good Word. He is my best friend and I love him for it.