Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

(Brother)Brenten Stevens

Good by 2015

  • (Brother)Brenten Stevens: The last 365 revolutions of out tiny blue marble are near ending . As we pass this point a new time is upon us . I pray all of you are motivated to to pay forward those who are in need , any tangible need as much as spiritual . Do soemthing that will change even one life this coming cycle . Nurture your belief with prayer and study today's global situation . In today's world more than ever we are connected electronically globally . That's powerful stuff as much bad that's out there there is equally as much good coming from the Internet . Sound familiar ? Remember in comments sent its not the same as speaking because one thing is missing , voice stress tones that are needed to get a point across but May to the reader seem as if your being condescending . I use emojis for this purpose not as a childish action but to help pass across the net a bit closer clearer meaning . Try it it works ! Happy New Year Pastor Brenten Stevens