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Sean Snarr-Jones

21 Days, Day 19... Your Prayers ARE being answered,

  • Good Morning!

    Wow! It's day 19 already! in our 21 days of prayer.

    I already am planning to start at day one when this set is over. How are You doing with it? How are you feeling about it?

    Todays prayer is an awesome one. It is awesome awareness once you get it. It has taken me years to realize that my pryaers are heard, period. That there is an amazing loving Divine spirit listening to my prayers, that angels are not only willing but able to help me, heal me from my fears and doubts, and to help me manifest the life of my dreams for myself and my family.

    For years I have prayed for this to be true. For God to be true, for angels to be true and real in the sense that they are, and now, finally, I know, I have peace and my life truly is changing in ways miraculous.

    As much as I never gave up on God's existance, I often thought I was unworthy, or forgotten, like a lost or unwanted child. I would wonder why some in the world had so much money, or love, or joy, or opportunity, while wondering what I had done in some lifetime that was so unforgivable that I must struggle all my days.

    But I was like the child that asks for something, then immediately turns and walks away with a sulk and pout, turning my back, not allowing things to change because whenever God stepped in, or the angels called to my attention, I turned my back, turned direction in my life that led away from the answers to my prayers and needs.

    Learning to listen to Divine guidence and love for some of us is not an easy task after living lives filled with people we could not trust, and with guidence we could not trust or believe in any more.

    One of the most powerful things I have prayed for indeed was for the Divine to remove my limited vision, remove my blinders, "help me to hear you, help me to see you, help me to trust and know you".

    And joyfully, it has happened. And I am filled with excitement, joy and love wanting to share it, and move mountains just as Jesus said would be possible.

    Sending you light and love my friends. And if you are stuck, need help with your prayers, and feel guided to contact me to pray with you, or share with you, I am at your humble service, with absolute joy.

                  Rev. Sean


    Just For Today “21 Days of Prayer-Day 19”

    Meditative Thought: “Inherent in every desire is the seed of its fulfillment.” – Deepak Chopra

    Deepak speaks of faith. Know from the beginning; your prayers are being fulfilled. It is done. It is complete. The Universe never says no; yes is always answer; yes to your highest good.

    Manifestation doesn’t always look the way we want it to, but it always shows up. Blessings might not show up when we want them to, but they always show up. Have faith that the Universe is working for you highest good. Release your expectations of how God should bless you.

    Spiritual Assignment: Today, Pray without expectations except one; know that God is blessing you right now with a BIG FAT YES!

    Affirmations: Just for today, I say yes to the Universe and the Universe says yes to me. Amen

    Skip Jennings
    The Urban Mystic
    Light Coach and Reiki Healer

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