Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Sean Snarr-Jones

We Are The Light


    Good Morning,


    I have been doing my daily readings, but neglected to share any of them in the last week or so.

    Thank you for the emails asking for me to share more of my inspirations.

    I hope you all have a beautiful weekend. And thank you for sharing your requests to hear more. It is humbling to know and hear that a few words I post, offer something to you.

    Love Sean


    Just For Today Meditative Thought and Affirmations: "We Are The Light"

    Meditative Thought
    : We are the rays of God, meant to shine and radiate universal light. Sometimes, we just forget.

    Affirmations: Just for today, I am the light that shines and illuminates this planet. Everywhere I go; I release the Universal glow of God. I am a blessing, and filled with Love. And so it is. Amen

    Skip Jennings
    The Urban Mystic
    Spiritual Coach and Reiki Healer