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reginald boober


  • one of my fb friends posted a comment about not understanding how some people think they do not have to believe all of Gods word in the Bible
    this was my response Cheryl Holcomb. the new testament does say that ALL scripture s good for edification but we are supposed to if I understand it correctly, have a new covenant with our God, so perhaps a new understanding of applying His word.I think of what a perfect parent our Father is and i am certain some of his orders to say the Hebrews in the old testament were to teach them a lesson,for example we no longer believe in animal sacrifice as they did and they were ordered to do it by God so they finally obeyed but we would not obey that order now nor do I think God would want us to, He expects we are more mature than that and can accept Jesus sacrifice for our sins/..I think it is like you teach a 2 year old one way but can usually expect much more of say a 10 year old all things being equal.Its just a thought perhaps I am wrong but the New Testament does say now we know in part but then you shall know in full.What a glorious day that will be praise God

  • reginald boober
    reginald boober any thoughts on this.
    October 20, 2015
  • Minister Mase
    Minister Mase I think in itself attempting to understand the word of God is an impossible task for any person, and who knows corrupted officials of the church's further past could of rewritten parts.

    All we can do is what we believe is right and try to help life cont...  more
    October 20, 2015 - 1 likes this