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paula lewis

Lost and alone

  • I dont know about a lot of people but I know that I am feeling lost and alone. I know I am not alone but I just feel like I am. I dont feel like I am on the right path in life or With the right group of people to make life easier for me. 


    I feel like I am alone and that there isnt anyone that I can talk to or share my feelings with that wont hurt me or judge me for what i say I am feeling. I dont understand why god has me struggeling so hard in life. What is it supposed to teach me and when is the struggeling supposed to stop. 


    These are just a couple questions that i so wish i knew the answers too. I thought by putting them out there maybe i could get a little peace and maybe god would hear me and answer my questions in whatever way he can. 


  • Tony Villari likes this
  • Tony Villari
    Tony Villari Paula, it takes courage to be "putting them out there." I would ask that you go to my blog and read some of my posts. I could say much, but I have already written it, for the most part. Your concerns are all valid, for you, and the answers are right in...  more
    July 15, 2014 - 3 like this
  • stephanie westbrook
    stephanie westbrook Paula,
    I felt this way most of my 45 yrs on this earth. After my 3rd near death experience. I stopped focusing on the negative feelings. And I looked at the unique Good feelings that God was bringing into my life. I was always feeling alone. I don't date ...  more
    July 16, 2014 - 2 like this