Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Peter Chamberland

The Purpose of Ministry

  • Since becoming a Minister of the ULC, I have changed my views quite a bit and have since become more spiritually aware and attune to different aspects of my life.  The biggest change was that I resigned from the Church of Satan completely, sending them all my info for cancellation of membership.  I did this because the realization hit me about the concept that Satanism is a pretty dark and disturbing religion, and can cause a bunch of trouble for the individual following it, because everybody associates Satan as an evil person, and that since Satanism is based off the name Satan, that all Satanists must be evil.  Though this is a gross over simplification of the concept, people are pretty much right when talking about things this way. 


    I realized over the last weekend of June, that if people wanted blessings, weddings, or funurals, or general spiritual guidance, then chances of them seeking out Satanism for solace from the harsh world in which we live, they will more than likely not find much solace in Satanism, and the idea of a Satanic Minister, just seemd a little foolish for me.  So I resigned completely.  


    Being a minister or a priest is not about just getting a magical certificate that can give you special powers over other people, to actually get them to follow you.  That is just plain rediculous and most intelligent people will spot a fraud from a mile away.


    Being a minister to me centralizes around the idea of Service to your community and to be a blessing and benefit of the people that you choose to associate with.  It is providing comfort in times of need, and living with integrity, intentfully meditating and praying to whatever deities we worship.  It is becomming a pillar for the homeless to lean upon so they can start getting better, it is visiting the hospitals and psych wards and discussing with patience hopeful things to give them encouragement to heal.    Building a church centered around these aspects, and much more, seems to me more deeply involved with developing good people to be even better people.


    The church is always composed of the people that participate.  I consider myself to be more of a Facilitator or Organizer, rather than an authoritative leader.  I am not out to convert everyone to what I believe, I am there to support them in THEIR time of need, and walk with them along the way to a better life, either in the future of this world, or in the next life.  Whatever the case may be.


    I have to remember these things, because I come from rough times as well.  I've been in the shoes of a homeless person, I've walked the steps of a hitchhiker, and thanks to the supreme creator's mercy and goodness, I have been brought to this time of enjoyment and comfort in my life.  


    I receive the blessings, so I feel that the proper attitude about being a minister, is to share those blessings upon those who are less fortunate than me and may not ever get a chance to be in America, we might see that as unforunate, but in someways it could be a blessing. 


    Those are my main goals of Ministry, and when I wear the collar, which I intend to wear quite frequently out in public, that will be my reminder to think of others first, and do what I can to help.


    (My profile pic may be suggestive of a different life style.  That is an old picture that I took a while ago..)


    So the question of the day is,  What is the purpose of your ministry.