Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. David Safford, D.D.


  • The Creator has blessed my wife and I with a healthy and problem free pregnancy; in about a month my first child, William D.B. Safford, will be joining this world. My wife and I waited nearly 7 years after college before deciding to have children... mainly because of the shape of the USA and the world in general.  We eventually came to the decision that fear would not dictate our choices, put our faith in the Creator, and went forward. Several ultrasound and 4D pictures pinned to my office wall later, I'm finding myself becoming more and more anxious as the countdown nears 0-hour. Not anxious of responsibility... but anxious my child may be like me.

    I resented my parents for bringing me into this world for years. Quirky intellectuals with ADD and an affinity for computers didn't exactly have an easy time making friends in the 80s-90s. Interactions with other children were limited to name calling and fist fights. I blamed my parents not only for conceiving me, but for the state the world (which I was forced to experience) existed in. I'm afraid if my Son is anything like me not only will he resent me for having him... but also for not "fixing" the world I complained about in my youth. I just want him to be happy. In addition, I'm worried about the quality of life we'll be able to provide.

    My grandfather was a bricklayer with a wife who never worked... he had 8 children. My Mother and Father were able to raise 3 children on my fathers salary as a Manager at Courier Dispatch. My wife and I both are employed by local hospitals and work far beyond a 40 hour week regularly... but the cost of living has really risen since I was 16 and we're not sure how this will all pan out (especially if one of us decide to try stay at home parenting... just doesn't seem viable this day in age.)

    There are many more deserving of prayers than myself, but any prayers for myself and my family are greatly appreciated. This is quite the milestone for us.