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Randy Ford

What is a good general definition of 'a God'?

  • Is this a good definition of "a God?"

    I was recently asked to for my definition of God on another blog. I had been thinking about it already, and thought it was sufficent for the discussion, so I attempted to give a general definition instead of specifically defining all attributes of 'my God.'  Of course, my God fits within this definition.  People here have different 'Gods,' which many others don't believe to exist, or aren't really "Gods." Many believe in multiple Gods.  I'm not wanting to argue about if so-and-so is a God.

    I'm trying to understand what people mean. Monotheists are likely to add things like "Creater", "Omnicient", "Omnipotent." Other may add things like "God is love." Others may say "God is the Universe." Others may say "Whatever you put first." I'm not disagreeing to any of those. I am trying to see is if there is a general definition of what people mean by 'a God', not attributes of a specific God.  I don't know, for instance, if a Wiccan means the same thing as a Norse follower or a Hindi believer. I'm throwing out this attempt to help me understand what others mean. 

    Here's my trial balloon of 'God' Definition:

    One or more (finite number) of sentient beings who continue to exist (no new ones or death) that have power in a sphere that humans do not without the Gods' intervention. This power must be able to affect our physical or "soul" spheres. God must "care" in some way about what humans do, and interact in some way with us to influence our actions that we can tell is not just random, and must be influenced by our actions. This may include, but not be limited to, setting up "laws of nature." There may be lesser "gods," but "Gods" are the more powerful set. The Gods may have created the Universe, but that isn't required: they are Gods in relation to humans.


    Again, I am wanting to understand what others mean, not to influence other's beliefs.

  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG Either you make or imagine God with human characteristic like children with Santa (giving) or you accept being part of the universe as a team player so to speak. Also Your Ego will tempt you to think that you are one and therefor to you God will have your...  more
    August 28, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • Bishop Chris
    Bishop Chris Here is my opinion: A god is a higher power which cannot be see with physical eyes, however, their presence is seen in the beauty of nature. A god has knowledge of things that the febile human mind cannot even attempt to understand. A god is a protecto...  more
    August 28, 2014 - 1 likes this