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Rev. Kevin McMullin

My Son and Faith

  • As I have mentioned before, the good Lord has blessed me with a son. His name is Kevin Donald McMullin, Jr and yes he was named after me and he is my pride and joy.

    Kevin was as a child and still is as an adult an ispiration to me. You see, he was born with Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as well as some other physical conditions that really made it a challenge raising him up properly.

    A lot of kids like Kevin would bury themselves into a hole and avoid people. Not my son. He was a fighter from day one. He never gives up and despite all of the challenges life has given him, he keeps the most positive and loving attitude of anyone that I have ever known.

    for the complete blog with pictures click here.

1 comment
  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG I was born with ADHD and dislexia, could not finish my 11th grade. After many inventions, many publish technical papers, declared engineer by the authority, teaching to the engineer in 3-4 continent's,. At 69, I realise, that it was the best life ever.....  more
    November 8, 2015 - 1 likes this