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Rev. Kevin McMullin

My Faith Is What Gives Me Hope

  • The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines faith in this manner. 1 (a) allegiance to duty or a person, loyalty.

    1(b) fidelity to one's promises, sincerity of intentions.

    2 (a) belief and trust in and loyalty to God, belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion

    2 (b) firm belief in something for which there is no proof, complete trust.

    Now these are all excellent definitions but I prefer mine. It's much shorter, much simpler and in my view much easier to understand.

    I believe that faith is a concept where you have a belief in someone or something that you cannot see, touch or feel.

    I have faith that there is a God in Heaven, our creator. I have faith that Jesus Christ, his only begotten son was sent to earth to save mankind from their sins.

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