Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Vernon Campbell ULC


  • If you send me a friend rerquest, I will expect that you have read a bit about me in my profile and in my blogs.  I hope that if you send me a request because after reading them you find that me have some spiritual value to one another.  I do not expect that anyone embraces my beliefs as their own, it is great if you do, as then we will have much in common, but I value your beliefs as your own, and wish you to value mine equally. Dialogue is welcome, but again, do not atack any diferences we may have, rather let's share the positives and similiarities that we all share. I do read profiles and writings of the people who do send me a request, and if you have not messaged me I may not necesarily see where our "Common Ground " is, so just send a hello and let me know why. I value everyone, but I am not trying to see how big of a "friend's list" I can acquire.

    Thank You

