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Sharon Hooley

Having a bad few days

  • Well, the last few days have been very 'not so good'. Just not had enough energy to do more. To explain, I have a spinal injury that got missed diagnosed and when I did get it scanned properly....it was too late to get an operation. Damage was done and now live 24/7 with pain. From being an active walker and work-a-holic to becoming inmobile is a complete lifestyle chang and with it depression, frustration and a list of meds that could go one for days.

    It's been approx 6years since being labeled 'disabled' and I never in my life thought this would ever happen to me. 3 years ago I lost my job because I just couldn't cope anymore. I spent so much time trying to keep my job that I ended up making myself even more unwell.

    This was about the same time I realised I needed help with an electric wheelchair which I had managed to buy off EBay very cheaply just so I could get back to work at the time but was now starting to fall apart on me. You soon realise there is no handbook to tell you what to do when things like this happen. Companies that say they provide good wheelchair services are just in it for the money....even if you are on benefits. I luckely found a 'Shopmobility' in Manchester (UK) and they were absolutly great. They didn't charge to have a look over it and when there was a little bit needing done....it hardly cost anything. All they really asked for was a donation.

    About 6 months later I got roped in to being a Trustee for them. So now I'm still there helping as much as I can. The only thing is....is that my health has got worse and I've lost more feeling and gained more pain. It's killing my energy and feel that I'm not doing enough. The last few days has been very hard as I had a bad do on Sunday morning and since then my left leg has been really bad.

    Last year we got word that the council was cutting our funding and we applied to the National Lottery....we got all the way to the very last section and we then got knocked back. That was a potential £78,000 to keep us going and make us more efficient to generate enough money and not have to rely on the council. As it is, we have only 2 more years of funding and then that will be it.

    I've worked as much as I can to try help raise funding but it seems it's just not enough. If we go.....approx 8,000 users will be left without access around Manchester....and those needing repairs?.....non at all unless you have money and big companies will take what they can. All in the name of independance.

    So at the moment I'm here trying to relax with my little dog sat next to me and feeling rather fed up and frustraited at myself and the Government. I know tomorrow is another day but I can't let other disabled people and their families down.

  • Reverend Raymond Eyre
    Reverend Raymond Eyre Hi Sharon. You story is so very similar to mine. I injured my back in 2006 and the local hospital said it was a "sprain of unknown origin". After many weeks and visits to my GP he sent me to see an Orthopaedic surgeon who promptly discovered I h...  more
    September 30, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • Sharon Hooley
    Sharon Hooley Thank you Reverend Raymond Eyre. In UK we don't have anything like that...unless you can find money to hire a solicitor. The cuts to all benefits have impacted greatly on those who need it the most. It's quite a bad government we have at the moment. Next ...  more
    October 2, 2014