Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev Michele McCallister

Life to Purpose Reconciliation. Time to Reflect.

  • I have searched for my life's purpose ✨️..... I thought that there was this secret and mystery to my existence. I experienced a relationship with this Heavenly Father that lacked true substance. My desire for truth, my quest for my purpose and that peace and joy that passes all understanding has finally been fulfilled. I found the essence of happiness in the promises of Torah. I learned about the foretold Messiah who was, is and will come again. I read of great men of faith, the Prophets, Martyrs and Yeshua's Disciples. I was comforted by Yah's power to deliver, His Grace, Love and Mercy!!! I have been humbled by the life and path of Yeshua. I want to be like Him !! My life's mission is simple.... Serve Yah, Preach the Message of Grace, Be a Lighthouse for those seeking Truth and Daily walk in the way of Torah !!! Join me in this Mission !!! Your Sister Michele Torah Truth Seekers Ministry