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Luminary Eddie Starr

The gun-grabbing Agenda

  • See, can't even write a story about this, with putting a skew to it. Explain how any new gun control laws will affect *criminals.* Want a *legal* gun? Need to pass FBI NICS. Want to conceal carry? In most jurisdictions, that means another check by the sheriff. That's *2 background checks.*

    Do a search, like guns save lives, or "good guy with gun stops bad guy." There aren't a lack of stories for the subject. While Parkland happened *because FOUR cops on campus refused to do their job,* and confront a law-breaker--and blood sucking lawyers say cops don't have a duty to "protect and serve, but to enforce laws--who is *the only one responsible for the crime,* the opposite happened in MD. School resource officer shot and killed the potential mass shooter, and only one other person died. Doesn't fit the gun grabber agenda. One person died, because of a good guy with a gun, as opposed to 17, because four refused to act.