Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Luminary Eddie Starr

The Religion of Non-Religion

  • https://www.themonastery.org/blog/2019/09/democrats-pass-resolution-acknowledging-value-of-secular-americans/

    “..America’s fastest-growing religious group...” I’m glad to see what I would expect to be a rather liberal slanting biased site admit that being secular, or other aspects of “non-religious” has, in fact, become religious. The “Freedom from Religion” camp, and those that are “anti-religious,” have become as fanatical as any other religious fanatics, launching their own crusades against the religious, especially those that may have any support for Christians.

    “61% insisting immigrants make society stronger.” See, that shows their ignorance, unable to distinguish the difference between actual immigrants, who come in to contribute, with the desire to become Americans, against illegals, like this old story of a woman *murdering the mother of a 6 day old baby!* http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/06/06/illegal-immigrant-found-guilty-killing-kansas-mom-kidnapping-her-6-day-old-baby.html Which is the kind that we don’t want!

    “Many 2020 hopefuls have even hired faith outreach directors to court the religious vote.” So, not only do they know they don’t know anything about religions, and probably don’t care, they have to *deceive* voters to get their votes, instead of, say doing their *actual job,* and try and directly learn about the religious. They can’t even say “I don’t know your religion, because I’m human, and have limits. That said, I’m willing to listen to your respective concerns, and do my best to address them.”

    “Or is this just political pandering that will ultimately fizzle out come election time?” That would some it up. Democrats have shown that they’ll panhandle to anyone whom they think will give them votes, from illegals to anti-gunners, including at insult to those in morning after a shooting: https://defconnews.com/2019/05/09/students-walk-out-when-democrats-push-gun-control-at-school-shooting-vigil/