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Luminary Eddie Starr

FFRF is a Anti-Religious Religious Cult

  • https://www.themonastery.org/blog/2019/09/high-school-football-team-baptisms-draw-criticism/#comment-238614

    So, it's ok for an IDIOT to take a knee, but not this? It's also ok when that @$$ talks about the Betsy Ross flag being racist, when she was a QUAKER, and they were abolitionists!

    The so-called FFRF is nothing more than a cult, who have made anti-religion into a religion. They've taken to going after religion--mainly Christian ones--with a religious fanaticism, and every burden they want to place upon churches, should be put upon them.

    “have not received a single phone call from anyone asking us about (these baptisms). Zero. If we have concerned parents or community members, I would think they would need to contact the district office about it instead of turning to organizations that aren’t even based in Tennessee.” I'd say that sums it up.