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Scott Bruno

The Collapse of our 3D world!

  •  Many don't realize that science has proven telepathy to be real, it took place about a year and a half ago. I know why they kept it low key. Because if telepathy is real then it would suggest that distance is an illusion. And when we look across vast distances of space we see time begin to curve. Which would then suggest that time is an illusion. And if both time and space are illusions, then I must ask, how far away do you think we are from those who passed before us? Not far. Not far at all. Our spirit senses must now evolve to become secondary only to our base 5 senses. Some of those deeper, or, Super senses include telepathy, remote viewing, healing, prophesying, and many other tools that are based within the realm of unseen energies. ANd as if it doesn't get better.....

    Couple the two mentioned above with the fact that another scientific test, the double slit experiment, clearly shows us that "matter behaves differently when observed", and you see all 3 dimensions of time, space and matter, dissolve. Our 3D world collapses. All is an illusion in the 3rd dimension.

    I happen to believe we are in the infant steps of launching into the next level, be it heaven-al or dimensional. :)

    This is precisely where the physical world melts together with the spiritual world. wow.

    There are no limits, there is no finish line.

    Thoughts? Comments?

    Love, Light and Power,
