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Scott Bruno

Kingdom Come - The time is Now

  • Kingdom Come? That is to say, "The Kingdom of Heaeven coming to earth??!!?". YES!! It now becomes more possible than ever! The question begs to ask though, will you choose it?


    So in essence it is but a mere choice is, heaven. It begins at the individual level of each person, within eachOn Earth as it is in Heaven - the time is Now of us, and it starts by ones careful monitoring of ones own choices. At every single choice you make you simply now slow down before making your choice, and when you choose now you choose what is morally right. And you practice, and you practice, you practice God Conscious at every single choice you make. With more practice and time you will come to a point when you may find yourself going through the whole course of a 24 hour day without even lying, or even telling a fib or white lie. You may find that you can go even for longer periods of time without lying, so much so that you will begin to no longer even have the thought of lying within your head. As you continue to practice and you become ever present and righteous at every choice you make you will eventually come to a point where you shall realize that even sin, is but a choice. It is here that one may become truly anointed with the Grand Master of Creation, for it is at this precise moment that the 2nd coming of Christ begins.

    Christ isn't coming back to save you or us. The second coming of Christ is YOU, is ME, is HIM and is HER. Christ even said that one day, "you would perform even greater miracles than I". And how did you think that this might happen? By an eternal cycle of sin, repent, sin, repent? I think not! Rather I know NOT! How you will come to perform even greater miracles than he is by walking in the very light as he did. It begins by one becoming ever present at every choice they make, and then by making choices that are morally good. With practice, and more and more of us beginning to take action at an individual level as such, making morally good choices, that more and more will then become anointed by God through the Holy Spirit until we hit a collective threshold in numbers of people, and subsequently when we get to critical mass of doing this it will not be long until this physical/death world collapses in and we again return home to our spiritual/eternal states of being.

    Remember, we are NOT a physical people having a spiritual experience, but we are a Spiritual people having a Physical experience. And now it is time for us to prepare to go home, to where we all belong, eternally.

    We are indeed the ones we have been waiting for.

    Love, Light and Power,
