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Christylin Desmettre

Why I don't go to church

  • Since I was younger I was raised a Roman Catholic...However, my family was made up of many different demoninamtions, and well my Grandmother was Prestine (I am a bad speller so bare with me).   My Grandmother, Goddess and God Rest her soul, has taught me that I do not have to go to church to tell the preacher (just a man) my sins.  I do not have attest my sins to a man that sins himself.  That is just a mere mortal like I am.  That the only person I need to tell my sins to is the "Great I AM", "GOD", "GODDESS", etc... themselves, that it is between my maker and I not the community, in which I like that needs to know my sins.  I know my mistakes that is how I have learned the lessons, in which I am supposed to learn in this life.  My "church" and I use this term loosely, because I do not believe that the Churches today do what they are supposed to do anymore.  My church is Nature and all the magnificant things that it has to offer me.  It teaches me how to grow and survive.  Because, of my background and having faults with the Roman Catholic ways, I started to research many different religions, until I found one, in which fit my beliefs.  I have never felt more alive, and welcome, and at home than when I found Paganism.  Now, it is not Wiccan, and I will correct anyone who calls me a Wiccan.  I am a Pagan, in which does practice witchcraft, which is a very different thing, than the misconceptions that the media has portrayed.  I am very opinionated and so when people ask me about church, or about what I believe in, or tell me I am going to hell, I want to reply...I will be with company then...but, in reality, I do not believe in heaven or hell.  So, it doesn't apply to me.  I believe we create the hell, in which we live on this plane/realm, and when we transend we leave behind our bodies and sins, because they have been human sins, and have "supposedly, absolved because Jesus, died on the cross for all our sins."  Did he not?  I believe that everyone needs something to believe in, they need faith, and hope to guide them through their struggles and challenges.  We make decisions everyday, whether they are right or wrong we make them, and just like a cause and effect of science, we then will see the results of our decisions, good or bad results that they may have.  When I got ordained I knew, that I was for a higher purpose, however it is not to preach religion, but to spread spirituality and letting others know that they have it within them and take it with them wherever they go.

    I am very easy to talk with and if you find the need to ask me questions, and want to know more about me and who I am and what I do, I would be happy to talk with you.  I do however, respect others opinions even if they are not within my thoughts, so I do hope if you come to me to speak to me and learn more about me, that you have the same respect for my opinions. 

    I will not fight with anyone or get mad, and I want the same respect.  Everyone has a walk of life, each one of us is different, so why should we have the same religions or spiritual beliefs, however if we do find like minded individuals, then we share and grow, and if we are not then we learn, and try and see different points-of-view.

    I do like to create thoughts, and challenge the normal.  So, debating is something I do, and I sometimes play the devil's advocate to get others in a thought provoking discussion.  It is not meant to harm, but to bring about a thought process.

    I thought that you may want to know a bit about, how I made my choice, and how I found spiritual freedom. 


    Many blessings to you all with love and light always, Namaste and Blessed Be!

    <3 )O(CMD  Rev. Christylin Marie Desmettre, MBA, CHP, HP, RMT

    P.S. The grammar and spelling errors, if any, are there to help to please everyone, to show for one I am not perfect, and second, because there are individuals out there, in which like to look for mistakes.