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Rev. Adam Lindsay- DD

Tax Day

  • Some of you may know that not only am I an ordained minister, I am also a tax consultant. I help many people resolve their tax debt with the states and the IRS. Now one day, I will transition out of this field and into the ministry full time. But for now, this is where God placed me.

    So with that being said, I would like to remind everyone that today is April 15th also known as Tax Day. Today your 1040- Individual Income Tax Returns are due. If you haven't done them yet, I would advise you do them immediately, or file an extension. Either way do not miss the deadline! I would hate for one of you to end up being my clients. Owing money to the government is not a fun thing to go through, so get your taxes done!

    Although, we may not always like to pay our taxes, (I know I sure don't) God reminds us that we should pay our taxes. Matthew 22:15-22 is the story about how the Pharisees try and trap Jesus in a tough question about taxes. Jesus replies to them saying "So give back to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."

    God Bless,

    ~Rev. Adam Lindsay

1 comment
  • Chaplain Mark Rice
    Chaplain Mark Rice The IRS and Franchise Tax Board (CA) hit me hard this year. This was mostly due to my retirement from the work force compiled with the circumstances. I gladly submitted what I owed. I'm a free American and I appreciate and thank God for that. After al...  more
    April 17, 2015 - 1 likes this