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Douglas Person

The Universalist Persepctive

  • All “Abrahamic” religions, and perhaps others as well, focus on a judgmental and even angry God that must be pleased. What if God didn’t care about all these nuances? What if all religions see only an imperfect reflection of the same God?  What if even religions with multiple gods were actually seeing a different manifestation or reflection of the same God?

    What if all of God’s creatures were simply his children and equal in every way? What if taking the life of any other of His children was, in fact, the greatest of sins? What if lying, deceiving, the selling of hate as a means of control over others, using God's name falsely to self-aggrandize; to make oneself seem somehow closer to God and able to speak for Him and thus superior and above all others – what if this too was a sin of the highest order?

    Here’s a concept that challenges all religions: human-kind is incapable of truly knowing the nature of God. We have only the flawed writings of enlightened humans attempting to communicate that which the human mind is incapable of understanding.

    God is all. God is perfect. Electrons spin around a nucleus because He wills it to do so. Hydrogen fuses into helium in the heart of the sun giving us light and heat – because God wills it to do so.

    A universe exists as a result of a single instant of immeasurable time from a single, immeasurable point in non-space because God choose that there be such an event and somewhere, within the vastness that ensued, both energy and matter came to organize into an order that allowed Earth to form, animals of so many forms to evolve, and, ultimately humans to exist. All because God willed it to be so.

    Now, look around and see the various forms that God is perceived to be. Through imperfect human eyes, perceived by imperfect human brains, we define God imperfectly. God reveals himself only to those that seek the oneness of all. The acceptance that we are all equally part of God’s creation; that by seeking the pureness of the one, true God; baring ourselves, humbly and imperfect before him, can and will we ever know his essence.

    We all begin in spiritual darkness. Some, existing in that dark emptiness, devoid of God’s love, catch a glimpse of a distant light and know that their path must lead them to that light.

    Others shun it. They choose darkness; they choose instead to believe that they themselves can be a spiritual beacon, albeit a false one. Beguiling the weak, the ignorant, the unfortunate, and the desperate, they offer a false hope and path that is only and forever darkness.

    For those who seek with open hearts and willing spirits the path to the True Light of God’s infinite love, they will know, with joy and contentment, that they are part of the All that is God; that within them is God; and what they see in the stars that shine above, the mountains that adorn the land, the seas that embrace the Earth, that have given it life, and in all things that live and grow in the garden called the Earth; all this because God wills it to be so.

    And in each thing that has life - lives because God wills it to live.  Life itself, however small or grand, is itself a miracle of God's love.  And thus, we can say, that life itself is God's pure love and we must then cherish all things that live.

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